After the wedding

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You and Loki were up all night, so you both cleaned up the last things that the other forgot. Loki used his powers and you cleaned up with music in your ears and dancing while cleaning. He didn't have anything against watching you dancing, it was actually a little erotic and sexy for him. After you were done with that you sat down took a breath and started on the breakfast as all the other Avengers started to come out and smelled your bacon and eggs while Loki gave you a kiss then he went to wake up Freya. 

"Freya you need to wake up or the others gonna eat up all the good bacon my dear" as he stood in the door.

"I'm up I'm up.." she answer then got out of the bed and ran down to the kitchen. 

-that's my girl, go straight after her prey- Loki said to himself. 

Everybody sit down and get ready for breakfast, even Freya are up this time but is just because she heard the word bacon. 

"oki everyone breakfast is served" you smile to the team and your daughter while Loki was still on his way to the table. 

You sit down as Loki came and took the seat next to you as he gave you a fast kiss on the cheek. Everybody start the breakfast and send the bacon plate around. Everybody loved your cooking and ate it all up. 

"why haven't made anything here mom?" coming from Freya. 

"it just never happened" as you give a look to Tony and Wanda. 

"well you can start with the dinners and breakfast from now on" as Tony took a bite of your bacon. 

"well thanks dad" coming from a sarcastic tone from you. 

After breakfast everybody start they're day while Freya start with school with Bruce, you go and train on your fighting skills and Tony walk to the lab and do his things there while the rest are just relaxing. You pretend that someone is trying to take your daughter when you are training so you can give everything you got. Steve came and held one of the boxing pillows for you and he actually felt it a little. 

"your good, I felt the last punch a little" as Steve was 

"thanks, I just pretend that someone is trying to take Freya or Loki" you answer with a confident smile to him. 

"maybe you should take a break" Steve told you. 

"yeah i'v been here an hour or two so maybe I need a break" you answer Steve back while you take your bottle with water. 

You walk out while Steve start on his training. You go to take a shower when Loki see you on the way to the bathroom all sweaty and starts to follow you, you could hear him but you didn't mind a little fun in the shower with the god of mischief and it was amazing. After that you both got into the bed and he started to crawl erotic on top of you as you looked into his perfect dreamy eyes. He locked his lips on yours and it just like being in heaven and fly with a good lump in your stomach, well you have a baby there but still. 

You wetness came and Loki felt it cuz he had the biggest boner for you and it felt amazing. He lubed himself up in your wetness and teased your clit with his boner then he took it inside you.

"ohh.. Loki!" you moan to him. 

"ahh.. My beautiful y/n" he moaned back. 

He started slow and gave you pleasure with his big wet cock inside you. 

"you look ravishing when you're weak for me" he smirk.


"that's my pet, obey me, cum for me" he command you in a sexy way.

"ahh.. Yes" as he hit your spot while groaning. 

"faster my king"

"what did you say?"

"my king" you grin to him.

He start to fuck you harder and faster so you end up coming at the same time. 

"that round was"


It was like the first time again togheter. 

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