The Battle For Porcelain

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Chapter 1-The Battle For Porcelain

.oO Spencer's POV Oo.

Hi, my name is Spencer Nicole Casselman. I'm the sister of Ian Casselman. I have a boyfriend who's perfect in my eyes! His name's Wren Marshall.

I have brown hair, medium/long hair. Brown eyes. Not tanned skin, but not super pale either. I'm a make-up artist. I'm 22 years old. Ian and I have been told that we look alike. We don't see it.

My brother, Ian, is in a band. Marianas Trench. They're just starting out. Their first album Fix Me was just released. They don't have a lot of money so Ian asked me to be the make-up artist. Of coarse I agreed. I love my brother! I've never met his band before. But I've heard a couple of their songs and they're pretty good! The video shoot is this weekend.


"Spencer! Are you ready yet?" My brother Ian called from down the stairs.

"Yes! Just a second!" I was finishing up my make-up. After a few seconds I walked down the stairs, to find Ian waiting by the front door, in his muddy shoes.

"What took you so long?" He asked.

"I'm a girl!" Was my excuse.

"Whatever!" He rolled his eyes. "Lets just go!"

"Okay!" I got my black converse on, my black leather jacket and we left.

"So are you gonna introduce me to your band?" I asked.

"I guess." He said while keeping his eyes on the road. "Mike, is the guy with curly hair. He's also a walking Halmark card. Matt's the guy with brown hair. He's really awkward. And Josh, is the guy with blue and black hair."


"And can you do me a favour?" Ian asked.


"Just please! Please don't go for Josh! Any other guy but Josh!"

"Why? And Ian, I'm dating Wren!" What's so bad about Josh?

"I mean this the nicest way possible, but he's kinda a douche bag! And I don't want you getting hurt!"

"I'm 22 years old! I think I can take care of myself! I'm dating Wren, Ian! I'm not going to cheat on him! No matter how hot this Josh guy is!" I giggled at the last part, knowing it'd annoy Ian. He just rolled his eyes.


Soon we got to the place where they're shooting the video.

Ian and I walked into a hotel where they're shooting their video. I forget the name of the song at the moment. Ian and I saw three boys sitting on a couch. One with curly hair, another with brown hair, and another with black and blue. I immediately noticed the boy with black and blue hair. Josh. He was very attractive. He was just... Wow! When I saw him, I suddenly became very self-concious. How does my hair look? How does my make-up look?

"Hey guys! This is my sister Spencer!" Ian announced. All three boys stood up and from the couch and came to greet me.

"Spencer this is Mike! Mike, Spencer!"

"Hey!" I said.

"Pleased to meet you!" Mike said. He took my hand and kissed it. Wow, maybe he is a walking Halmark card! I smiled.

"Spencer, this is Matt! Matt, Spencer!"

"Hi!" I chirped.

"Uhh hi?" Wow, he really is awkward. He stuck his hand out. We shook hands.

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