Chapter 13-Fucked.

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.oO Spencer's POV Oo.

Josh wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Josh and I are," I paused for affect.

"Back together!" Josh blurted. I laughed.

"Really?" Mike asked. Josh and I nodded.

"That's great you guys!" Matt said.

"Congratulations!" Mike said.

"No." Ian said. What the fuck?

"Excuse me?"

"You're not dating Josh."

"Who the fuck do you think you are? I love Josh! Why do you get to decide who I get to and don't get to date?" Ian and I Both started to raise our voices.

"I'm your brother. And I'm not letting my sister date an alcoholic and is addicted to cigarettes!"

"He's getting through it! How can you even say that about your best friend, your bandmate?"

"That's different!"

"Please explain!"

"I don't kiss and do it with him!"

"Oh, and who says Josh and I have been intimate?"

"Oh don't act like we haven't heard you!" My face turned brought red. Talk about embarrassing.

"Fuck you! You're not my dad!"

"No, but we share the same one!"

"Yea, and if I still lived with him I'd probably be having the same conversation with him!" I grabbed Josh's hand and dragged him up to his room. I let go of his hand. I sat on his bed cross legged. I put my head in my hands and started to cry.

"Aw Spencer! Baby, please don't cry!" I felt the bed sink, then Josh's hand on my back.

"I'm sorry!" He chuckled.

"Why are you sorry?"

"About everything." There was a moment of silence. "You know what my brother said about you isn't true." There was another moment of silence.

"But it is."

"Shut the fuck up." He laughed.


"Josh, you never give yourself the credit you deserve. You deserve so much more than you give yourself credit for. It's true. And don't think even for a second that its not."

"Okay. You to." I laughed.

"Shut up and kiss me, you fucker!"


Josh and I laid down in his bed together. I'm really happy we're back together. It's been a week since Ian and I had our fight. I've tried talking to him, but he just ignores me. And, who gives a shit what Ian says! Fuck him! I started to feel really nauseas. I jumped out of bed.

"Spencer?" Josh questioned. I ran in the bathroom and dropped to my knees. I puked. "Spence? Are you okay? Can I Come in?" He walked in the bathroom. He held my hair out of my face. And rubbed my back. I flushed the toilet. I just sat on the ground. I was really tired. Josh obviously saw that and in one quick motion he lifted me up, he carried me into my bedroom. He laid me down on my bed.

"Do you need anything? Water? Medication? Cold cloth?" Josh looked worried, like he's never had to deal with someone sick before.

"I'm fine, Josh! I just need some sleep."

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