Chapter 8-Does Anybody Really Love Me?

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.oO Josh's POV Oo.

I'm freaking out! And I can't freak out that much, without showing that Spencer and I are dating. I, I think I love her. I can't let her die. I won't let that happen! The safest place for her is with me. I can't imagine how scared she is. Ian is having a meltdown. And somehow I feel responsible that she's gone. I could have convinced her to come. Here was a knock on the door. I ran to go get it, thinking maybe it'd be Spencer. Instead it was the police.

They started asking us questions.

"How old is she?"


"Does she have a mental illness?"


"Does she have any enemies, that might want to hurt her."

"No. I don't think so. She is a really nice girl." Ian answered all the question. They asked us a few individual questions as well.

They searched the house for fingerprints, thread, pieces of hair. You know, stuff like that.

They said we'd have to wait awhile before they could get any results. I just hope she's okay! I'm already missing her.

.oO Spencer's POV Oo.

I awoke with pain almost everywhere. I tried moving my arms again. I winced at the pain my arms must be raw from me struggling against the rope all the time. I think I have a cut in my forehead. I know I have a cut on my leg. And I think I have a bruise every where else!

I heard the door unlock. Witch means I know Bertha will come down and beat me some more.

"Good morning Spencer!" She said. "Have a goodnight sleep?" I ignored her. She walked down the stairs. She was close to me. She had a candle in her hand. She tipped the candle, so the wax would pour over my cut on my leg. I yelled in pain.

"Why do you want to make my life so miserable? Ever since the day I met you, you made my life miserable. When you were my roommate, you would always pull pranks on me. Every time I would get a boyfriend, you'd steal him from me, then break his heart. Tracey. You've made my life miserable. What else do you want from me?"

"Because you have everything. You always have! I'm jealous of you Spencer!"

"Jealous of me? I have nothing!"

"You were always the best at everything! I was always second best at everything! So now, it's your turn to pay." She poured more Wax on my bare skin. She walked away.

"Don't get to comfortable. I'll be back in a hour or two." She walked up the stairs, and locked the door. I let out a loud scream of pain. I started crying. I let myself go. I just wanted to be back at home with my four favourite boys! I love all of them! I wonder if Ian's worried about me.


.oO Josh's POV Oo.

The police stopped by.

"We have, found who took Spencer. But we need to find an address. Which will he hard because she moves all the time."

"What?! Who is she or he?!" Ian jumped.

"Bertha, also known as Tracey Vanderwall."

"Do you know how long it'll be before you find her?"

"Days, weeks, maybe months."

"What?! That long? It'd be faster if I went out and found her!"

"Mr. Casselman, you need to calm down. We're doing the best we can. I'll notify you as soon as I know what's going on."

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