Chapter 3-Fight Through The Fallout

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oO Josh's POV Oo.

Today's the Decided To Break It video shoot. And Spencer's our makeup artist again. I'm a bit upset with her right now. She just said I think we need some time away from each other. And she just left before I could say anything.

Everyone is here, except Ian and Spencer. Soon they got here. Ian held the door open for Spencer. Spencer was looking more beautiful than ever!

"Thanks!" She said. She had her gorgeous smile across her lips. And then she saw me. She stopped smiling.

"Hey, Matt!"

"Hey Spencer!"

"Hi Mike!"

"Hello Spencer!"


"Hey Spence."

"Well, lets get on with the makeup?" Spencer asked.


"Who's first this time?"

"Ian!" Everyone yelled including myself.

"No way! I went last time! What about Mike!"

"Fine." Mike said.

"I don't bite, guys!" Spencer said. Mike walked towards the chair. He sat down, so Spencer could start working on his makeup.

Soon I was up. I was the last one again.

"So, how've you been?" I asked.

.oO Spencer's POV Oo.

"So, how've you been?" Josh asked. To be honest, I've missed him! Which is weird, 'cause I've only seen him a few times.

"Alright. You?"

"Fine. Spencer?"


"Why'd you leave like that? Why did you say we needed time away from each other?"

"Because Josh! I didn't want to leave like that! You didn't leave me much choice!"

"What do you mean?"

.oO Josh's POV Oo.

"Because I-I like you!" She likes me? She likes me! Spencer likes me!

"You what?"

"I like you! Okay? Are you happy now? You got it out of me!"

"I-I like you to Spencer!"

"But, Josh! We, can't really happen! As much as I'd like it to happen! We can't! Ian being my brother, and Wren! I'm sorry!"

"You can break it off with Wren! If Ian loves you, he'll understand!"

"Josh, it's not that easy! I love Wren! Can we talk about this later? Where my brothers not in the building as us?"


Soon Spencer finished with everyone's makeup.

"Psst! Spencer!" I whispered.


"When you get a chance, call me. Then we can get together to continue our conversation."


.oO Spencer's POV Oo.

The video shoot ended and Ian drove me home.


~Ring ring ring~


-Josh! It's Spencer!

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