Chapter 5-Jealousy

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.oO Spencer's POV Oo.

"Spencer." Ian asked me.


"What?" I mumbled.



"Are you awake?"

"Yea. Sure. Whatever." He flicked my ear.

"Do that again, and I'll kill you." He flicked me again. I sat up in bed. My hair was everywhere. I pushed the blankets off myself and started to chase Ian around the house. He ran down the stairs. I jumped off the top of the stairs, and on to Ian's back. I wrapped my arms around his head.

"Get off me!"

"I told you I'd kill you!" I felt warm, large hands on my waist trying to pull me off of Ian. Before I knew it. I was in someone's arms. My hair was in my face, so I didn't see who it was. He put me down on the ground. I pushed my hair out of my face. I looked up and saw Matt.

"Matt! Why would you interrupt me trying to kill me brother?" I whined.

"Because he's our drummer! He can't get hurt!"

"Fine. What did you want Ian?"

"I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come celebrate with us tonight?"

"That's tonight. Not this morning!"

"I know. But I'm going out soon."

"You couldn't get someone else to ask me?"

"Nah. To much work."

"Okay whatever! Wait. What are we celebrating!"


"Oh. Okay!" I laughed. "What did you fail at?"

"Are music. All three singles did horrible. Except are latest one. It's not doing to bad."

"Oh okay." I saw Josh slowly walk down the stairs. He was wearing a black AC/DC T-shirt, and grey sweats.

"What's going on?" Josh asked.

"Oh nothing. Just my brother being an ass."

"What else is new?" I giggled. I was always so giddy around Josh. I don't think Ian even noticed. But the other guys, that's a whole different story. Matt stares at me. And Mike stares at me with a huge, creepy ass smile plastered on his face.


"Are you ready yet Spencer?" Ian asked.

"Just wait!"

"Just wait!" Ian mimicked me. I walked down the stairs. I was wearing the skinniest jeans I have. Black heels, and a black tank top. I'm a very laid-back simple person.

"Ready now?" Ian asked.

"Yea!" I shoved my phone in my pocket. As we all walked out the door I put my black leather jacket on. We were walking down the few steps on the porch, when Josh accidentally touched my hand with his. I looked up at him and forced out a smile.

We all managed to fit in one car. Josh was the designated driver. So he was in the drivers seat. I sat in the passengers seat. Everyone else was piled up in the back.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked all of us.

"Gin and tonic." I replied. Everyone else ordered there own drink. Josh of coarse ordered Coke Zero.


.oO Josh's POV Oo.

"Matt! Come dance with me!" Spencer asked him. Everyone was hammered. Except me. Matt and Spencer walked onto the dance floor.

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