Chapter 4-Truth Or Dare

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.oO Spencer's POV Oo.

~On the phone~



-Oh hey Spence!

-Hi Josh. Um can you come over?

-To your apartment?


-Sure! I'll be right over!

-Okay! See ya!


I hung up the phone. I needed to talk to Josh.

A little while later, there was a knock on the door. I got up to go answer it.

"Hey Josh!"


"Come in!" I welcomed him. I hugged him.

"So how's it going?"

"Umm alright. You?"

"Good. Why only alright?"

"I need to talk to you."


"Josh, I can't go out with you. I just broke up with Wren. I just need some time."

"What! What about everything you said last night?"

"I know Josh. And I. I'm sorry! I just can't right now."


"I just broke up with Wren. I mean, Josh I still like you a lot! But I can't right now, with Wren being my ex, and Ian being my brother. Maybe we can get together sometime in the future. But right now, I just need you to be a friend." At this point, I'm in tears.

"Alright. But I can't change my feelings about you."

"I know! And I can't change my feelings about you. But I just need some time by myself right now. I'm sorry."

"Aww, Spencer. Don't cry!" He pulled me in for a hug. "It's alright. It might be better for the both of us. It might build up our relationship. If we ever get together."

"Okay. Thank you for understanding Josh!"

"Of coarse!" Josh was rubbing circles in my back.

I got to admit. Being in his arms, and him rubbing circles in my back calmed me down. I loved it.

I don't know how long we were there. Until Wren got home and closed the door. It startled Josh and I.

"Oh hi Wren."

"Hi Spencer. Josh, right?"


"Did I interrupt something?"

"No." I answered. Josh looked uncomfortable. "I'll go make some coffee for all of us." I let go of Josh. I went to the kitchen to go make coffee.

I walked back into the living room with coffee for all of us. I sat down beside Josh. Wren looked a bit jealous.


"Bye Josh! I'll see you again soon!" I hugged him.

"Bye Spencer! Wren."

"Bye Josh." Josh got in his rusty green truck and left.

"Well, Spencer."


"I was talking to Josh, while you were making coffee."

What did he do? Did he scare Josh?

"And, I think he might be better for you. Even though, I still love you so much! Josh seems like he likes you a lot."

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