Chapter 14-The Ramsay Family

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.oO Matt's POV Oo.

Spencer sat in the living room, and you can kinda tell she's preggers now. Well she's not fat. But she's bigger than she was when she wasn't pregnant. Bags are under her eyes, and her skins pale; more pale than it usually is. I've been more careful with Spencer since I found out. I won't let her lift heavy things, and stuff like that. Josh isn't helping her with any thing. Josh seems, almost scared of her. And you can tell Spencer sees that. Spencer looks sad. Like she knows Josh doesn't want the baby. Or maybe Spencer doesn't want it.

"I'm going to take the garbage out, Spencer." She looked at me strange.

"Okay?" I picked up the garbage bag. I walked through the living room, when I heard something hit the ground. I looked at Spencer. Her eyes widened and she jumped off the couch. I looked down to see what fell. Her pregnancy test fell out of the bag. "I got it Matt! You go play video games. You need the practice." She fake laughed. She picked the pregnancy test off the ground and took the garbage bag from my hand, and ran out the door. Why doesn't she want anybody to know? What will happen when Ian finds out?

.oO Spencer's POV Oo.

Ian's okay with Josh and I now, I guess. Well he won't let us kiss or do anything coupley near him. But, he's just going to have to get used to it, right?

I feel like I haven't slept in days. Probably because I haven't. I've slept like 40 hours in the past week. This fucking stupid pregnancy and insomnia. I woke up by Josh kissing my forehead saying he was going out. I haven't been able to get back to sleep since. When he left it was already 12:45. It was only Matt and I home. So, I just stayed in Josh's bed all day. Matt was being very awkward around me. Little awkward fuck.

My pregnancy is getting more and more noticeable. I guess if I wear baggy clothing it's not that noticeable. I mainly wear one of Josh's shirts and sweats around the house. But when I go out I don't want to look bad.

I heard a door slam then talking. The boys are home. I heard, who I assumed Josh trudge up the stairs. Josh opened the door to his room. His hair was short. He still has his blue bangs. But it was short.

"Are you just going to move in here?" He chuckled.

"Can't. Remember what Ian said." Josh came and sat down on his bed beside me.

"Oh yea." He wrapped his arm around me. "So, do you like my hair?"

"Um. It's different."

"You don't like it, do you?"

"No! I love it! It's, sexy." He smirked. I kissed him.

"Thank you." He kissed me back before him rolling on top of me. I started to take his shirt off. He stopped me. "I can't. Your brothers home."

"So? That never stopped you before!" I kissed him again.

"Yea, that was before I got you pregnant." What the fuck?

"Fine." I tried to get away from him, but he was still hovering over me. "Can you please get off of me?" He did as He was told. I got up from his bed and headed towards the door.

"Spencer, I didn't mean it like that. Come back."

"I know. I'm just, tired. That's all." I walked out of his room. I heard him curse.

.oO Josh's POV Oo.

Why did I do that? Why did I just reject my beautiful girlfriend? Fuck. Somebody knocked on my door, And walked in.

"Hey, Jo-" It was Matt.

"Can't talk. I need to go talk to Spencer." I walked towards the door.

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