Chapter 18-Mixed CD

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.oO Spencer's POV Oo.

Why? Why would Josh do that? Why did Danielle tell Josh? Why Josh and not me? What does Josh have that I don't? Does she trust him more than me? Did Matt know? He couldn't have. He was depressed for months! What about Mike and Ian? Josh betrayed me. He offended me. He doesn't think that I could have handled it. He just thinks I'm his petite little girlfriend who can't fend for myself.

Oh wait.

That's exactly what I am. I couldn't fucking afford my rent last month! I screamed. I screamed loud. I was angry, I was disappointed, I was sad, I was every emotion imaginable.

I turned the radio on. Their song Say Anything was on the local station. I changed it. One god awful pop song after another on these stations. I grabbed the first cd I saw, not reading what it was I put it on my player.

It started to play. I knew exactly what it was as soon as I heard the first note.

"Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better." It's my favourite Beatles song. And Josh knew that. Whenever he's sick I make him my home made tomato orzo soup and always sing him that song until he's asleep. He made me a cd of all mine and his favourite songs. In other words, he made me a mix cd. I know cheesy as hell.

I smiled, but it also made me more mad. But I realized he does love me. He loves me more than anybody. And he was just trying to protect me. I turned the car around to go home.

I'm still mad at him though.

.oO Josh's POV Oo.

I understand that Spencer just needed some time to comprehend everything that just happened. I mean her best friend just came back after 3 months. She's just a little upset. I know she'll come back.

Everybody was sitting in the kitchen. Hanging out, just talking. Catching up on everything. I tried my best to get my mind off Spencer.

"And then he just left us there!" Danielle explained. Everybody started to laugh.

"Hi guys." I turned around in my chair to see Spencer. I guess I didn't hear her come in the door. She held a large pink box in her hand. "Look guys. I'm sorry the way I acted-" Danielle interrupted.

"Don't be. I completely understand. Don't be too mad though. You mourned the loss of a friend. I mourned the loss of five." She smiled. She always knew what the right thing to say was. Spencer smiled to.

"I picked some doughnuts up at the bakery. They were half off. They're no sugar, no fat, no calories." She paused. "They're no good. Throw them out." She laughed.

"No! No! We'll keep them!" Matt took the box. He opened it, took one and passed it on. Everybody took a doughnut. Everyone took a bite.

"Um," Mike said.

"They're," Ian said.

"Interesting," I said.

"They're disgusting!" Danielle said. Spencer laughed. Everybody threw theirs out. Spencer took a seat beside me and Danielle. I pulled her in to my shoulder and kissed her cheek.

"Love you," I whispered.

"Hey! Get your hands off my best friend!" Danielle joked. "I haven't even gotten a hug from her yet!" She fake pouted. Spencer leaned in and hugged Danielle. They whispered something inaudible in each other's ears.

We spent the night talking, joking, and laughing. We stayed up until about four am. I'm so glad we got to hangout together again. All of us. Just hanging out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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