Chapter 2 - Be Sure She Hasn't Had Enough

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.oO Spencer's POV Oo.

When I got in my apartment I shut the door. I leaned back up against it. I shoved my hands in my pockets of my black leather jacket. I felt a price of paper inside it. I pulled it out to see what it said.

'Call me maybe? 268-4101 -Josh.'

I sighed. I shoved the paper with Josh's phone number back in my pocket. I started taking my shoes and jacket off.

I started walking away from the door, when I bumped into Wren. The doctor, perfect boyfriend, Wren! He must've just gotten out of the shower, because he only had a towel around his waist.

"Hey baby! What's up?"

"Nothing! I just got back from Ian's bands music video."

"Okay. How'd it go?"

"Good! His band mates are really nice!"

"That's good!"

"Well, I'm going to watch a movie. Wanna join me?"

"Sure. Just let me go get some clothes on!"


Wren went to go put some clothes on, while I put a movie on.

I cuddled into Wrens side. I couldn't really get into the movie, because every thought ended with Josh kissing me. He was a really good kisser. No! Spencer! You're dating Wren! You can't think like that! Wren's a good guy! He's a doctor! He's attractive! He loves me. I love him.


After last night, I thought a lot about if I should call Josh, or not. I mean he's a really nice guy! We could be really good friends! And we could just forget about the whole kiss.

~On the phone~


-Hey Josh! It's Spencer!

-Oh. Hey! I'm sorry what I did yesterday-

I cut him off.

-It's okay. I called because, I wanted to see you again. Maybe we could go for a coffee?

-Sure! How's this afternoon? Tim Hortons on Fairlight?

-Cool! I'll see you at 1?




Josh and I hung up. I looked at the clock. It read, 10:19 am. I still got time.

Wren came up behind me and hugged me. I loved it when he did that.

"Good morning beautiful!" Wren said.

"Good morning! I'll start cooking breakfast?"


I started cooking Wren and I breakfast. Our usual Saturday morning routine. After breakfast, I did my daily routine. Shower, hair, dressed, makeup. You know that kind of stuff.

I sat at a table in Tim Hortons, with a medium French vanilla coffee in my hands, waiting for Josh to show up.

I saw Josh walk in. He got his coffee, and he came and sat down across from me.

"Spencer! I'm sorry, I did that yesterday! I shouldn't have! You're dating that Wren guy. I'm sure you're happy with him!"

"Josh! Can we just pretend that never happened? Nobody has to know."


"Okay. Thank you!"

"So, tell me about your boyfriend, Wren? Is it?"

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