Chapter 10-Cheater?

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.oO Spencer's POV Oo.

I woke up in Josh's arms for the first time. I smiled. I haven't slept this good in, what feels like forever! I looked at the time. 3 AM. Shook Josh's shoulders. Not wanting to, but I had to.

"What? What is it?" Josh said groggily. His sleepy voice, was really sexy.

"It's 3 am! You have to go in your room!"

"Why?" He asked confused.

"What happens when Ian wakes up, and walks in my room, and accidentally sees us sleeping together?"

"I guess. Alright. I'll go to my room." He sounded disappointed. I felt horrible! It's like seeing a lost puppy! You just want to hold it, and take care of it! He kissed me.

"I'm sorry.."

"No! I get it! It's okay!" Josh kissed my forehead. He quietly walked out of my room.

That's it. I have to tell Ian. None of this kick-you-outta-bed-at-3am shit. If Josh and I are gonna work. I have to tell Ian. And that's that. I shoved my blanket further up so it covered my shoulders. I thought about last night, With Josh.

*Later that morning*



"Can I talk to you in the kitchen, for a second?" Josh followed me into the kitchen.

"I was thinking about stuff. And, I think you and I should tell Ian. About us."


"Because of- Wait. You agree with me?" I was confused.

"Yes!" He laughed.

"Oh! That was easier than I thought! I had this big argument planned!" He laughed.

"How should we tell him?"

"I don't know. Maybe just he forward with him. No beating around the bush. But."

"But what?"

"I'm nervous. What if he says I can't date you. Or I have to move out."

"It's okay Spencer." He hugged he. "He won't. I promise. I also wrote another song about you!" Mike walked in the kitchen. Josh and I quickly let go.

"Hey Mike!" I hugged him, the same way I hugged Josh. I didn't want Mike to think anything of it. I walked out of the kitchen.

After Josh walked out of the kitchen, and ran to ask Josh if Mike thought anything of it.

"No, he just looked at me funny." I nodded.


"C'mon Spencer! Mike and Matt are out doing who knows what! And Ian went out to visit your parents for the weekend!"

"But what if something happened, and they needed to come home, and they find out about us, like that."

"They won't! And if they do, they do! They're going to find out one way or another!" He smiled. "C'mon Spence!"


"Yes!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the couch. He put a movie on. Josh and I laid down, I put my head on Josh's chest while his arms was around me. I close my eyes for a second. I tried keeping my eyes on the movie, and concentrating on that. But each time I closed my eyes, they got heavier and heavier. I knew I was tired like usual. But I didn't think I could fall asleep. I was wrong. About twenty-five minutes into the movie. I fell asleep in Josh's arms.

.oO Nobody's POV Oo.

Mike and Matt walked in the door to their house that they shared with Ian, Josh, and Spencer. They both laughed at something that happened earlier today.

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