Chapter 6-The Yoda Bobble Head

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.oO Spencer's POV Oo.

"What the fuck?!" Someone asked. Josh turned around to see who it was. Brett was standing there. With a Yoda bobble head in his hand.

"Brett! The fuck are you here? Especially at this hour?" Josh asked. I just sat on the desk. I crossed my legs.

"My Yoda bobble head was here."

"Why was it here?"

"Mike took it from me. Wait, enough of the questions for me. What the fuck were you two doing?"

"Nothing." I said quietly.

"No. You were doing something. You were making out!"

"No. I was just talking to Spencer."

"I'm telling Ian!" My first instinct was to go jump on Brett's back. So that's exactly what I did.

"No you're not!" I said covering his mouth.

"Why not?" He asked. His voice was muffled.

"Because Josh and I Aren't ready to tell anybody yet. Please Brett! For me!"

"And, I have some dirt on you." Josh added.

"Oh yeah. Try me!"

"Remember that camping trip we took last summer?" Brett's face turned pale.

"Fine. I won't tell anybody." I let go of Brett.

"Just go home Brett."

"Okay!" Brett walked up the stairs. Then I heard a door slam.

"That was close!" Josh said.

"A little to close. Josh."


"What happened last summer when you went camping?" Josh laughed.

"It's a long story!"

"I'm not going anywhere!"


I'm not sure if Josh and I are a thing now. Or what. I mean we never said anything to each other if we are or not. But I'm pretty positive that we are.

The doorbell rang. Josh got up to answer it.

"Lets go!" He said, then left.

"Who was that?" I asked Mike.

"Don't ask me."


"Amanda." Please say his sister! "McEwan."



"So, Spencer?" Brett asked me. Ian, Matt, Mike, Brett, and I were all talking in the living room.


"You've lived with these boys for almost two months now. What's it like?"

"Umm. Entertaining." Everyone laughed. "They always have something new to talk about. Something stupid to try. And they're funny, caring, sweet, guys. I'm lucky to have them in my life. I love them to death! Maybe not Ian. He's a ass."

"Thanks!" Ian said.

"Oh Ian! You know I love you!" I kissed him on the cheek.

"EWWW! Girl cooties!"

"I wouldn't mind your sisters cooties!" Mike said. I blushed. Ian rolled his eyes at him.

"Well, how do you guys like living with a girl?"

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