Chapter 7-LALALALA

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.oO Spencer's POV Oo.

"What did I do?"

"I want you to figure that out."

"Is it because I went out with Amanda again?"

"It's not just because you went out with Amanda again."

"Then what else?"

"We had a conversation about this the other night! After everything between us was good, you go and wreck it again!"

"Well, what do you want me to do Spencer? Cause I for sure as hell don't know what to do!"

"I don't want you to do anything! I want you to do what you feel is right!"

"I don't understand Spencer!"


"Why you're so upset!"

"Because I, I love you! You idiot!" Josh stared at me.

"Whatever. Forget I said anything! We're good! We're just friends!"

"Wait, hold on!" I plugged my ears.

"LALALALALALALA! I can't hear you!" Josh laughed. He removed my hands from my ears.

"I'm sorry. I'll quit going out With Amanda."


I logged onto MSN Messenger. One of my best friends, Daneille was on.

DaneilleBiss: Heyy girl! How's life in the fast lane?

SpencerCass: Living life with boys? Weird! I haven't talked to you since I moved!

DaneilleBiss: Has any of them tried anything?

SpencerCass: I think I have something with Josh.

DaneilleBiss: The lead singer? Damn! He's something else!

Yes, Daneille is a trencher. She can thank me for that.

SpencerCass: But I don't think he thinks that way.

DaneilleBiss: No way! Girl, you're gorgeous! If he doesn't he has something wrong with him!

.oO Time Passage Oo.

Josh and I have grown a bit closer. I guess? They're playing a small show tonight at a club. Ian invited me, and Daneille.


I took a shower. Josh said be quick because he needed to use the shower to. But it ended up being longer then I expected. I like the heat of the water. It's also a good time to think about stuff without getting interrupted. I got out. I tied my hair back, just to get it out Of my face my hair already started to curl. Everyone says they like my naturally curly hair. I started to do my make up. There was a knock.

"Come in." Josh walked in.

"You should wear your hair up tonight. It looks nice like that." I smiled.

"Thanks.." I mumbled.

"I need a shower. Do you mind?"

"No." I walked out of the bathroom.


"Meet back here after the show." Ian ordered.


"You can go now. If you want."

"Thanks." I mumbled. Daneille and I walked out of their dressing room. We got stuck in the mosh pit. Witch isn't my favourite place. But I guess it's fun.

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