Chapter II

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0721 hours


Universe #123132183B

"Good morning Munin," Moonlight asked. "Why are you up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep," He replied. "I had a really bad dream last night."

"Again?" She asked. "That's the third time this week. Are you sure you're not sick?" She looked concerned, even though he had taken the viral test four times.

"I'm fine." He says, waving his hand dismissively. He had always doubted fever-dreams anyway. He started towards the coffee maker, pulling the curtain of the dormitory to one side. Perfect. He walked to the door, hastily grabbing an umbrella. He waved goodbye to his sister's friend and walked out the door, quietly closing it behind him. He walked through the streets, keeping his head down and keeping to the shadows. He stopped and looked around. At last, he came to the towering skyscraper called Icosahedron Tower. The headquarters of the Icosahedron Corporation. He reached into his bag, taking out the black mask with a triangular insignia on the front. He ran his finger along the red engraving, hesitating before slipping it over his face, carefully adjusting it to completely cover his facial features.

He nodded at the two heavily armed soldiers standing by the door. Then he walked forward, entered the building, and continued towards the elevator. He pressed the button to the top floor and waited for the doors to close. The elevator started to climb up the skyscraper. After a moment, Munin looked out of the glass at the city below. I've always thought this city looks so beautiful at night. It's a shame that no one can admire it as much as I can. He sighed, looking wistfully at the crescent moon that shone a pinkish hue of light purple through the dark sky. It had always been his childhood dream to step foot on the moon.

"How far I've fallen," he murmurs, smiling to himself. The elevator gradually stopped and the door opened. He stepped out of the elevator, turned to the left, and walked toward the door at the end of the corridor. He opened the door and stepped into... what?

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