Pre-Read Note

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In hindsight, I probably should have implemented this a while ago, but better late than never, I guess.


If you are disturbed by: Blood (in writing), death, fantasy violence, gun violence, the usage of nuclear weaponry, mental health themes, suicide, existential questions and question starters, chess etc., please don't continue.

I take no responsibility whatsoever for loss of sleep, uncompleted homework, or an international stock market crash over my sh*tty writing. This book has plot holes, and most characters that aren't the main 4 will never show up twice. This book is far from perfect, but I'll try my best. You've been warned.

This is a story about loss and finding both yourself and- 

*Record scratch*

Yeah, no. This story has a plot map made up of exactly 3 parts, and everything else is nothing close to static.

But its basis is still the same. It is the story I made out to be... something like 2 years ago. I'm honestly just happy that the general direction has stayed somewhat consistent throughout these two years.

It truly is a story about loss, but more than that, it's about finding yourself. This story is a place for me to get all of the things in my head out on paper, and it's as about me finding myself throughout this process of writing as it is about Munin finding himself throughout the book.

Overall, I hope you'll stick with me, through the style changes, complexity deviations, skill development, and the long ass learning curve that comes with trying to write a story.

I hope that this story can get somewhere, but as they say, 'just enjoy the ride'.

So, dear reader, I feel that we should do just that.

Thank you and enjoy the ride.


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