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"Kill Switch"



Universe: 124293891

"You're really bad at chess..." Munin muttered, moving his rook to checkmate (once again) Exodus's king. "With someone of your IQ, you could definitely play better." Munin mused, knocking over Exodus's king, ignoring Exodus's annoyed groan. Exodus, Eclipse, Genesis and himself all had IQ scores in the high 140s to 160s, and were some of the sole survivors of the Epoch program. They had all used it to do different things, sure, but they were all still smart. Except Exodus maybe. He used his intellect to get onto the ethics council, of all things. Munin had used his intelligence to start his company and get rich, along with becoming one of the most renowned military officials in the Federation. Technically, as he controlled the security and defense branch of Icosahedron Composite, but that's irrelevant. Genesis had walked a similar path, taking over most of the military that Munin didn't already control. Eclipse had used his skills and charisma to walk the thin line of a politician while still working with Munin's private military.

If you tried hard enough, you can probably tell that author-kun watched all of High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even In Another World before they started writing this chapter, which explains the long ass wai-

Universe: 000000000

"Narrator, this is getting old. I will dox you and send [redacted] your IP address."

"F*ck, alright, alright."


Exodus laid his head on the table, muttering about not playing e4. Munin chuckled and was resetting the chess board as Eclipse came in, a smile on his face.

"Good news, gentlemen." He said, smiling. He spoke with a decent amount of cheerfulness in his voice, but still subtly laced with the edge of the voice of a politician. "Well, good news and then bad news." Munin sighed, and looked over, allowing the tiniest drop of hopefulness to enter his expression.

"Do tell..." He murmured, but quickly regained his composure and repeated himself. "Sitrep," Eclipse nodded, and started to speak.

"While you two were playing chess and enjoying what little expensive drinks we have left, I was monitoring the scanner." He explained. "Its range is highly limited, and we can't just build a tower, so the best I could manage was to just set the receiver in the tallest tree I could find." Munin chuckled at the thought of Eclipse trying to climb a tree, and motioned for him to continue. "It was a bit staticy and glitchy, but I smoothed out as much as I could." Exodus cut in, having guessed what Eclipse was about to say.

"You found a signal?" he asked. Eclipse nodded.

"And what's the bad news?" Munin asked cautiously, not letting his hopes get too high.

"That is both the good and bad news." Eclipse explained. "It's a signal, but it's not Hugin." Munin's eyes widened slightly.

"So it's Genesis?" He inquired, his lips curving up to a thin smile. Eclipse nodded, smiling back despite his apparent failure to find their end goal. "Wonderful. Let's try to get to him ASAP. Don't worry, Eclipse, you did fine." Munin said. Exodus nodded, chiming in.

"While we were discussing our current situation, we deducted that you get transferred here in your immediate form when you die. For example, I got dropped here with my uniform from that day on the FCS-900." Exodus said, tapping on his clothes. Eclipse nodded, agreeing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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