Chapter VI

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Think of the money.


Two years ago


://Memory_File opened//

"Tenebris... Munin. I have a job for you two." Hugin says, sitting on the royal throne. Her throne. "As my two most trusted knights, I have decided to send you on an expedition," she says. She held out her amulet and let the two of us examine it. "This amulet is a royal heirloom, as you are both aware." she begins. "This stone is called a Core. These are extremely powerful magical stones. Each has an individual power." Munin nodded. He had heard this a long time ago from... someone. "This amulet is multiple different Cores combined. For our new project, the Orion Institute needs two other Cores. They will be at these two coordinates." She hands them both a piece of paper. "Be careful, Cores have been known to corrupt people, so remember that when interacting with them." Munin smiles, playfully punching Tenebris in the shoulder.

"Don't worry, Your Highness. We'll get it done. You can trust the two of us," he says.



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Munin was in the middle of reloading the weapons systems on his jet when he heard someone yell out behind him. "Hey! Who are you!? What are you doing here!? This is a military facility!!" they yelled. He spun around and saw an officer, who was dressed in a proper suit with sky-blue highlights. He would have found her attractive... If she had not been pointing a pistol at his head. He frowns, narrowing his eyes.

"Raven... Get my suit online," he says quietly. "I'll answer your questions in order." He says to the officer. "I am Munin or Echo 1-1." He pauses, trying to stall to give Raven more time. "As for your second question, I'm simply attending to the plane." As he finished talking, he could feel the once flexible flight suit begin to harden in vital areas. The suit had a layer of liquid material underneath its kevlar exterior that could harden into a substance harder than modern ceramic plates in a millisecond using electromagnetic fields. From what Munin could piece together from the specifications, (Which took at least 10 ink cartridges to print because it was so redacted) the substance was over-glorified, controllable oobleck.

"This is a restricted military area," she says, still pointing the pistol at his temple. "Show me your ID." He curses in his head. Then he remembered. His old Federation ID was in his pocket. But he knew that this girl wouldn't accept it. So he could only think of one way out of this. He reaches down and quickly pulls out his ID card and hands it to the girl. While she is busy looking at the ID, he pulls out his pistol and holds it in an idle position, to show that he wasn't a threat to her. Well, not yet, at least. There's a tense silence as the officer inspects the card. When she looks at Munin again, she sees the pistol and doesn't even give him a chance to explain. She drops the card and opens fire. Munin curses out loud as he rolls under the wing of his plane and he returns fire. His bullets were mere warning shots, however by that point, he was just wasting ammunition. Then someone yells from outside the hangar.

"Hey! Both of you! Stand down!" Munin stops and sees Lieutenant Hood running towards the hangar with a team of soldiers behind her.

"Just in time," he says, smiling under his mask. "Great job, Raven." He stands up from his position and calmly walks out from behind the plane. He lets his pistol hang by his side and walks out to meet the lieutenant, but the officer points her pistol at him again, giving him a death glare.

"You sure are great at making first impressions, Munin," Hood says, smiling at the two of them. Munin looks at her, confused.

"What do you mean?" he asks, looking at the officer out of the corner of his eye. Hood smirks, shaking her head.

"I mean, say hello to base commander Colonel Emily Li." She says. "She will be the one you will be reporting to now." Munin smirks, and knocks on the wing of the plane, getting Raven's attention.

"I'm afraid Raven and I don't work for anyone without payment." He says. "Of course, your money will be going to be well spent. Isn't that right Raven?"

"Yes. With our equipment, there is a zero percent possibility of surviving an encounter with us." Raven says. Colonel Li scoffs, still pointing her gun at him. "If you would like a small demonstration..." he says, smiling. "I am quite capable anywhere. But the sky is my kingdom. If you would like to test me, send your most capable pilot against me." What am I saying!? How can I be so arrogant? Li Looks at him, still looking suspicious.

"Be ready in 30 minutes." She says suddenly, before turning and walking out of the hangar. Uh oh... Hood rolls her eyes.

"You've done it now, Munin. No one can beat Ms. Li in a dogfight. Especially not with only two missiles." She says. Munin smiles and nods. Little do you all know that there are enough weapons on this plane to eliminate an entire carrier strike group. He thinks. But he decides not to say that. It was better to surprise them.

"You underestimate us." He says, smiling. He turns, walking towards his plane. Curse my bad luck. He thinks to himself. "Raven, listen up!" He yells.

"What do you want?" Raven asks, sounding as if he just woke up. "I was rebooting." Munin sighs. Since when were machines lazy?

"We've challenged base commander Colonel Li to an aerial dogfight. They'll hire us if we beat her." He says. Raven is silent for a second.

"Is Colonel Li the one you-" Raven starts but Munin cuts him off.

"Don't you dare. And no. I'm not that ambitious. That's Exodus, and he was dating my sister." He says. " Now start recalibrating the weapons, power, gamma-containment, and engine systems." He yawns and stretches. "I'm going to get my gear on."

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