Chapter XI

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"First Day."



Universe #̸̛̤ ̸̡̧͎͓̟̲̺̦̦͉͍̙͇̖̠̟͕̠̱͙̓̒̒͋̂̄̑͑̇͘ͅ1̶̢̦̝͈̲̳̭͍̟̯̠̜͇̭̙̳̹̻̗̏̄͗́2̴̼̥̙͊̿̈̂̐̃̈̎̆̓͒̈́̆̂̔̉̈̑̄̆̉͘͝4̶̖̜̘͚̟̘̩͎̙̤͊̄̆̒̌̊͒̐̂͗̓̐́͂͐́̔̓̿͂̂͘͘2̸̡̢͓̟̻̩̪̟̖͓̯̣̩̝͈̞̳͈̝̜͆͗̏͊̓̓̑̀̇̊̄͗̃̏͘͜͝͝9̴̢̛̮͇̲̪̲̠̼̫̼̓́̓͒̌̈́͒́͝ͅ3̸͕̃̉8̸̢̦̞͓͔̓͜9̵̡̨͎̙̻̮͈̼̖̠̱̲̦̗̥͉̭̩̜̟̬̗͗͋̍͛͋̎̆̀̌̈́̈́̊͊̓̕̕1̷̧̧̠̲͇͎͉͇͓͕̘̙̒͐̕͠

"Munin!" a voice urgently yelled from somewhere, though it came across as muffled and distant. "Wake up!" Groaning, Munin forced his heavy eyelids open, his mind reluctantly emerging from the depths of sleep. There, at the bottom of the small bunk bed in the dimly lit dorm room, stood Jasper, a mix of exasperation and impatience on his face. "Took you long enough!" he exclaimed, his voice carrying a blend of annoyance and amusement. "Class starts in 15 minutes!" Munin's brows furrowed as he struggled to fully wake up, his thoughts sluggishly aligning with reality. With an effort, he extricated himself from the comfort of his bed, each movement seeming to resist his will. He navigated down the ladder with deliberate slowness, the world around him gradually taking shape. "For someone of your caliber, I expected that you'd wake up early," Jasper quipped, a wry smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Munin managed a tired chuckle in response.

"I have fatigue syndrome," Munin explained, his voice carrying a mix of weariness and acceptance. "I'm almost always half asleep." Jasper regarded him with a quizzical expression, a silent acknowledgment of a condition not easily understood. But he refrained from pressing the matter further. After Munin managed to clothe himself in presentability, the pair left the cozy confines of their dorm. Another yawn escaped Munin's lips, and he absentmindedly popped a small pill into his mouth, a ritual born of necessity. Jasper observed him with a mixture of concern and discretion, choosing not to voice the curiosity he felt. They entered the classroom, Munin's steps carrying a subtle sense of reluctance as if he were navigating through molasses.

He made a beeline for a seat at the back, a strategic choice that aimed to shield him from the prying glances of his fellow students. The curious looks exchanged between the others were something he'd grown accustomed to, yet they still managed to brush against his self-consciousness. Once seated, Munin retrieved the pen with the one-shot depleted uranium bullet from his pocket. Its presence was a comfort, a familiar touchstone amidst the current of his apprehensions. He adjusted his uniform, fingers smoothing over the fabric with a touch of unease, attempting to quell the butterflies dancing in the pit of his stomach. Just as he settled, the teacher walked in—a tall, elegant woman with golden locks cascading down her shoulders. Her glasses perched upon her nose gave her an air of studious authority. The classroom seemed to hold its breath, anticipatory hush reigning as the day's proceedings began. Munin, his drowsiness gradually giving way to attentiveness, fixed his gaze upon the teacher. As the teacher began to speak, Munin immediately began taking as many notes as he could. But, as he feared, he couldn't understand anything.

He was growing increasingly irritated by the minute. What the hell do these damned runes mean!? He sighed quietly, deciding to just suck it up and ask Raven to convert the runes into something he would understand. His eyes quickly darted to the clock and Munin almost fell out of his chair. It's been five minutes!? Even college wasn't this bad. He ended up just turning his attention to the runes that the teacher had written. As the class dragged on, Munin covertly glanced over at Jasper.

"Ahem," Munin's head snapped to the front of the class and saw the teacher giving him a pointed look. Ah scheiße. The last thing I need now is attention...

"I don't appreciate students who think they can get away with not paying attention in my class," the teacher's voice held a firm edge as she addressed him.

Munin shifted in his seat, his fingers clenching slightly as his irritation morphed into frustration. "I apologize, ma'am," he responded with forced politeness, a wry smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "It's just that these runes are a bit... foreign to me."

The teacher's gaze softened slightly, perhaps detecting a genuine effort in his tone. "I understand, but that's no excuse to be inattentive. I suggest you catch up quickly." Munin's smile widened, now genuine. "Of course, ma'am. I'll do my best."

As the class progressed, he couldn't shake off the feeling of being a fish out of water. The magical world was intricate, its rules and systems a stark contrast to the technology-driven reality he came from.

He was determined, though, not to let himself falter. I've had just about enough of being looked down upon. I'll prove to them all that I'm worthy of the name Reaper.

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