Chapter XVI

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Present (Two days later)


Universe: 124293891

Munin wanted to die. He had brought Exodus to the academy, and it had ended... uh... Let's leave it as 'badly' and move on. Exodus was a great friend, and he was doing better than Munin in many of the magic-oriented classes, but his arrival had been met with a bit of backlash...

Munin flopped down on his bed. Exodus looked at him, a look of annoyance on his face.

"I can see that you've made some enemies..." He muttered. Munin looked at him but nodded. Damn magicians...

"Can't they see?" He said, shaking his head. "Dreamweaver help me."

Exodus nodded in agreement, a hint of frustration in his expression.

"It's always been this way, hasn't it? Magic users and technology users are like oil and water at this academy. But we knew what we were getting into when we decided to come here." Munin shoots Exodus a glare.

"How would you know?" Munin muttered angrily. Exodus raised his hands in mock defeat, murmuring something along the lines of 'Okay, b*tch'.

Munin couldn't help but feel a sense of annoyance. He knew that studying at the academy was a dream for both of them, but the division between the two factions had grown more pronounced over time. "I just wish they'd give us a chance," Munin lamented, his voice tinged with bitterness. "We could do amazing things together if they'd stop judging us based on the source of our power."

Exodus leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. "Maybe it's time we showed them what we're capable of, Munin. Instead of hiding our talents, let's demonstrate the power of what we have in the realm of magic. If they see what we can achieve, perhaps they'll change their minds."

"Be my guest. I practically killed their star student one-on-one and they still refuse." He sighed. "I say, we just leave. Find the rest of the unit and my sister. Then we'll find a way out of this place." Exodus looked at him.

"Give them a chance, Munin. People can change." He said. Easy for you to say, you damn optimist... Munin waved him off, burying his face in his pillow. Exodus sighed. "I say we just play along." Munin sighed.

"Whatever you say." He said, slightly muffled. After a moment, he stands up, grabbing his katana off the table. "I'll be practicing if you need me." With that, he left, closing the door behind him. He walked down the empty hallways of the school, fuming. He was, without a doubt, furious. However, his mask of composure did not break. Right... Left... Then what? He looked around. Rather unfortunately for him, the doors of the school were also numbered in indecipherable runes for some odd reason.

Author 1: Not for plot :D

"Need help getting somewhere?" A voice asked from behind him. Munin spun around. It was Angelica, but she was wearing a different uniform than usual. Then he noticed the silver name tag. Head perfect? "Oh! Munin." Munin nodded, waving awkwardly.

"I'm... kinda lost." He said. Angelica smiled at him, rolling her eyes.

"Seeing that you've been wandering around for 15 minutes, I'd say so too." She said, giggling lightly. Munin sighed and rubbed his temple.

"Can you just show me the way to the training room?" He muttered. Angelica nodded and grabbed his hand.

"C'mon! It's just this way." She said, dragging Munin with her, much to Munin's protest, but she paid it no mind. After a few turns and detours, they arrived at the door. Angelica let go of Munin's wrist and smiled at him. "Here we are." She said, before turning to leave. "Bye for now. I have other students to help out." Munin nodded.

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