Chapter X

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"Dreams and Lost memories"


Infinity hours

Universe #̸̛̤ ̸̡̧͎͓̟̲̺̦̦͉͍̙͇̖̠̟͕̠̱͙̓̒̒͋̂̄̑͑̇͘ͅ1̶̢̦̝͈̲̳̭͍̟̯̠̜͇̭̙̳̹̻̗̏̄͗́2̴̼̥̙͊̿̈̂̐̃̈̎̆̓͒̈́̆̂̔̉̈̑̄̆̉͘͝4̶̖̜̘͚̟̘̩͎̙̤͊̄̆̒̌̊͒̐̂͗̓̐́͂͐́̔̓̿͂̂͘͘2̸̡̢͓̟̻̩̪̟̖͓̯̣̩̝͈̞̳͈̝̜͆͗̏͊̓̓̑̀̇̊̄͗̃̏͘͜͝͝9̴̢̛̮͇̲̪̲̠̼̫̼̓́̓͒̌̈́͒́͝ͅ3̸͕̃̉8̸̢̦̞͓͔̓͜9̵̡̨͎̙̻̮͈̼̖̠̱̲̦̗̥͉̭̩̜̟̬̗͗͋̍͛͋̎̆̀̌̈́̈́̊͊̓̕̕1̷̧̧̠̲͇͎͉͇͓͕̘̙̒͐̕͠

Munin stretched, yawning slightly. He rubbed his eyes and stood up, pulling on his hoodie and walking into the small washroom that had been built into the side of the hangar that had become his makeshift home. He looked in the mirror and almost fell backwards. His eyes were red. He rubbed his eyes again and looked in the mirror for the second time, but his irises were still blood red. "What type of anime logic is this?" he mutters, turning on the tap and splashing water on his face. "I blow up a city with a nuke, kill a million, including myself, wake up here, something like two millennia in the past and my eyes are changing color?" He shook his head, deciding to worry about the issue later. Right now, he was focused on getting a decent breakfast and doing maintenance on his ADFX-30J. He brushed his teeth and walked outside to the small breakfast restaurant and bought a breakfast sandwich and quickly returned back to his hangar. Huh, interesting. I feel that it's the opposite of where I come from. I've met only one male and everyone else here is female. I guess most males here are Elites. He thought as he bit into his breakfast. It's not like at home, all of the Elites are all female. Hmm... I'll keep that in mind. It'll be of use to me at some point. He took another small bite of the sandwich and took a sip of the still-hot coffee, wincing slightly as he realized how hot it was, but he still forced himself to swallow the liquid. He finished the rest of his breakfast and stood up. "Time to get to work."

TIMESKIP (5 Hours)


Infinity hours

"Ungh... I'm finally done. Raven, lock the doors. I'm going to take a nap." Munin says. "Wake me up in a few hours." He yawns and opens the door. He had always hated his fatigue syndrome. He flopped into the small bed and picked up the book on the nightstand next to the bed. All in all, the makeshift bedroom was extremely cramped, but claustrophobia never was a problem for him. The Eye of Salvation. "What a name..." He muttered. He flips to the prologue, not bothering to read the random text at the beginning of the book. "As legend says... A corrupted phoenix, resurrected, will set the world aflame. He will first come in the form of a Raven, then as a demon, and finally, his true form. He will shower the land with death and blood, covering the world with ash and mud. Beware the dark hearted songbird who is not who he seems to be. Beware the phoenix who has lost his heart." Munin put the book down, his mind racing. Interesting. I wonder if anyone has made the connection with me yet. Perhaps the princess? I did tell her, didn't I? As Munin ponders, he's interrupted by a knock on the door. He groaned inwardly and stood up, acknowledging the sudden ache in his arms. Maybe spending 5 hours doing maintenance without breaks wasn't a good idea. He opened the door, revealing Angelica, standing in the doorway with what looked like a briefing file. He gave her a warm smile, inviting her in. She smiled, but shook her head.

"I'm just here to give you the file." she says simply, handing him the folder. Munin frowned, but said nothing as he took the yellow folder.

"That's it?" he asks. "I was expecting something... I guess more...exciting." Angelica laughed, giving him a small smile.

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