Chapter XIII

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Universe: 124293891

Then came the day of magical duels. The academy was buzzing with excitement, a palpable energy coursing through the air. The students gathered on the dueling field, anticipation written on their faces. Munin's heart thudded with a mix of nerves and determination. He was aware that he was entering unfamiliar territory, but he was equally determined to demonstrate his worth.

"You ready?" He asked Jasper, tightening his boots. Jasper gave him a look of confusion.

"Ready for what?" he asked. Munin smiled, pointing to the arena. "You... signed up for the duels!?" Munin gave him an exasperated look.

"Of course I did." He said, loading a clip of bullets into the Mp-99 SMG that he had found in his plane while looking through it over the weekend. The small weapon was much more compact than the larger MP-40 but also fired a smaller bullet. The gun also was designed where a counterweight is fired inside the handle to counteract the recoil from firing a bullet. As he hung it at his hip, he saw Jasper looking at him.

"You're going to try to beat some of the brightest pupils in the world of science with a gun?" Munin smiled at his friend's skepticism.

"Yes," he answered simply. Jasper gave him one last skeptical look but decided to drop the subject. The duo found their seats and sat down.

As the first duel began, Munin observed intently. A complex choreography of spells and incantations unfolded, colors and energies intertwining in a dazzling display. The combatants danced with magical prowess, their shields absorbing and deflecting the onslaught of spells.

Munin's turn swiftly arrived, and he stepped onto the field, his expression unyielding. Each student had created a magical shield, a translucent barrier that enveloped their bodies. It was a safeguard against the formidable magic they would be in contact with during the duels, a precaution against serious harm. However, Munin stood apart. His shield remained absent, a stark contrast to the shimmering barriers that surrounded his peers. His opponent was Penelope, a student known for her mastery of water-based magic.

"Tsk," she scoffed. Munin narrowed his eyes. Highly skilled, but clearly arrogant...Thinks that magic is the only way to effectively fight, is rich, and looks down on everyone. "Why is a boy with no magic even here?" Munin ignored her, standing neutrally. Penelope scoffed again. "Your technology isn't going to save you! Magic will always be superior!" Now it was Munin's turn to scoff.

"Technology is the future. Magic is the past." He said, poison dripping into his voice. "You're just clinging to the past..." He smiled, adjusting his armband and brushing off the bits of dust that had gathered on the cloth. "In vain."

Just then, one of the teachers instructed the two to begin their duel, and Munin's senses sharpened. Penelope conjured torrents of water, shaping them into fierce projectiles that shot toward him. With nimble precision, Munin dodged the attacks, his movements fluid and calculated. He could feel the eyes of the spectators on him, a mix of curiosity and skepticism. Munin moved with a grace born of necessity, a dance of survival that had been etched into his very being. Penelope's attacks continued a barrage of water and energy that Munin deftly evaded, his body seemingly attuned to the rhythm of battle. He ducked, weaved, and leaped, his movements a symphony of evasion that defied the laws of magic his peers adhered to.

As he navigated the onslaught, he locked eyes with his opponent, a glint of malice meeting her unwavering confidence. Penelope's spells intensified, the water forming intricate patterns and spirals. Munin's evasion became a dance, his steps and leaps timed to perfection. The crowd murmured, the tension palpable. Then, in a burst of determination, Munin lunged forward, narrowly avoiding a cascade of water and weaving through the onslaught. With a surge of determination, Munin sprinted forward, evading the cascades of water with hair's breadth precision. From his side, he drew the MK99 SMG hanging on his waist, its metallic coolness a comfort in his grip. He aimed and fired, a burst of bullets streaking towards Penelope's shield, making the audience gasp. The magical shield absorbed the impact, shimmering with momentary strain.

Munin's expression remained resolute, a glint of defiance in his eyes. It's time to expose the limitations of their magical paradigms, he thought.

Penelope's confidence wavered as Munin continued to close in, his determination a force in itself. Another round of bullets erupted from his weapon, this time aimed strategically to weaken her shield. The shield flickered, its integrity compromised.

As the shield faltered, Munin seized the opportunity. He shifted the SMG's aim slightly, targeting the weakened point. The bullets hit their mark, the forcefield shattering like fragile glass, magical energies dispersing into the air.

A stunned silence swept through the audience, disbelief etched on their faces. Penelope stood defenseless, her expression a mix of shock and indignation.

Munin simply looked at her, his eyes devoid of remorse or emotion. The audience held its breath, waiting for his next move.

Penelope's arrogance, however, refused to wane. She sneered at Munin, a hint of desperation creeping into her voice. "You may have broken my shield, but you won't defeat me with your primitive contraptions."

Munin's response was as cold as his gaze. "Primitive, you say? Technology evolves, while your magic remains stagnant." He advanced, his weapon still trained on her. "I suggest you surrender."

Penelope's face flushed with anger. "Surrender to a non-magical upstart like you? Never!"

With a swift gesture, she summoned a whirlpool of water, sending it swirling toward Munin. But Munin was ready. He activated a small device on his armband, and a protective energy shield materialized around him, deflecting the oncoming torrent. Penelope's expression shifted from anger to disbelief.

"That's not possible," she muttered, her confidence visibly shaken.

Munin's voice remained steady. "You underestimate the power of innovation." He fired another round from his SMG, aiming not for Penelope but for the ground beneath her feet. The force of the bullets sent her tumbling to the ground.

The audience erupted into murmurs of amazement and astonishment. Munin had not only broken her shield but also brought the girl to her knees.

Penelope struggled to regain her footing, her pride wounded. She spat out a few choice words of frustration. "This is a fluke, nothing more."

Munin's response was laced with poison and contempt. "Call it what you will, but it's time for a paradigm shift." With that, he fired one final shot, disarming Penelope of her magical focus, leaving her powerless and defeated.

Penelope lay defeated on the dueling field, her once-confident demeanor shattered. Munin's victory had sent shockwaves through the academy, challenging the very foundation of their beliefs in the superiority of magic.

The audience erupted into a cacophony of whispers, their disbelief echoing in the air. Professors and students alike were struggling to process what they had just witnessed.

A nearby professor, Professor Lysandra, a venerable mage with a long white beard, stepped forward, his expression a mixture of astonishment and curiosity. "This... this is unprecedented," he stammered, his voice quivering with uncertainty. "How can this... barbaric technology challenge the power of magic?"

Munin lowered his SMG, his gaze cold and unyielding. "Because technology advances, adapts, and overcomes," he replied, his voice cutting through the confusion. "Magic may be powerful, but it is not infallible. The future belongs to innovation, not tradition."

Jasper, who had been watching from the sidelines, couldn't contain his excitement. He leaned toward Munin and whispered, "You've just turned the world upside down."

Munin nodded, his eyes never leaving the fallen Penelope. "It was necessary," he said, his tone unwavering. "They needed to see that their arrogance has blinded them."

Penelope, still on the ground, finally accepted her defeat. She let out a defeated sigh and mumbled, "Fine, you win. But don't think this changes anything. Magic will always be superior in the end." Munin scoffed, his face twisting into a thin, emotionless smile.

"We'll see about that."

A/N: Thank you to everyone who has stuck around for this story! It's been a bit rocky lately with school and stuff but I think I should be fine.

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