Chapter III

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"What are you doing here?" he asked, walking into the sterile white room. Moonlight smiles at him. He suddenly realizes that there are about 30 other people in the room, all of them around his age and wearing a black and blue suit with an Icosahedron insignia on it. "Go on. Pretend I never interrupted." He says. Moonlight nods and continues. "You all have been brought here to partake in a joint operation with the navy. Your target will be the Caerulean capital of Iridia. You will be armed with Coridium munitions. The purpose of this operation is to swiftly and efficiently end the war." This news shocked everyone. Coridium munitions? This had never happened before. This was against the international laws! It was evident that none of them wanted to have anything to do with this operation. However, they all nodded, not wanting to go against the will of the higher-ups.

Zero Hour

0651 hours

Cerulean airspace adjacent to Iridia

Universe #123132183B

"All units, this is Bloodhound. I'm in position. Commence operation Glass Cannon." he says. The sun is slowly crawling over the horizon, painting the landscape around them an eerie red glow.

<< "Acknowledged." >> says someone on the radio. << "All units, from up on Bloodhound." >> Reaper cracks his knuckles and tightens his oxygen mask.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, let's get this show on the road!" His radar is full of blue dots. Over a hundred friendly jets had been deployed to support him. Inside the internal weapons bays, there is a B-91 Coridium-Uranium freefall bomb. It's set on the lowest possible setting, 5 megatons, still enough to level half a city. The second the aircraft passed over the Caerulean border, missile alerts began to go off.

"All units, this is Bloodhound. It's time for this to end," he says, banking north. "Ten million lives at the mere cost of a city..."

<< "Acknowledge all, Bloodhound. Happy hunting." >> says Gryphon 1. << "End this for us...For Hugin." >> He nodded, dropping the external fuel tanks and hitting the afterburner, speeding off towards the city. He had to fight his way through the swarm of hostile planes, all of them trying to kill him. He fired off a barrage of bullets into a hostile Fq-35, shredding the engine and sending the plane into a death spiral. He continued towards the city, ignoring the cries for help on the radio.

<< "They come to destroy our home! The time has come! It's do or die and I refuse to surrender! All units! Push these Federation invaders out of our territory!">> That voice... It was her. All he needed to do was to get to the city, but his attention snapped to the Caerulean ace. He jerked his plane upwards and turned towards the newcomers.

<< "Bloodhound, pop-up bandit group on the nose identified as Caerulean Aces. Engage at your discretion." >> reported one of the friendly ECM planes.

<<"We're still escalating!?">> asked one of the pilots. <<"What's next? Peacekeepers!?">>

He flips a few switches on the radio panel, switching the radio to the open channel. <<"The aces who lost it all. What do you have in store for me today?">> He sneers, taunting the pilots.

<< "We won't let you kill innocent people, Munin!" >> one of them shouted. << "Do you even know that they sent you on a suicide run!?">> Munin scoffed, flipping on the radar array. The deafening roar of jet engines echoed through the skies as Munin engaged in a bloody dance with the pilots. The sunrise cast a scarlet-red glow over the city below, and the even larger aerial conflict around them only intensified their dogfight. Munin's voice cut through the radio chatter like a blade.

<<"No mark, no signature... Not even a fancy paint job. But I know who you are, you damn Angels.">> Munin declared, his words laden with a sinister confidence.

<<"You will go down in history as a murderer!">> Phoenix, the leader of the Angels, retorted, her tone seething with anger and conviction. << "You won't kill the innocent!" >>

Munin scoffed, the sound muffled by the confines of his cockpit.

<< "The innocent are extinct! Can't you see!?" >> he countered, his beliefs unshaken. The radio waves carried the echoes of a desperate plea from Cerulean ground control.

<<"Fire all guns! Light the sky on fire! We can't let him get through!" >>

Meanwhile, Munin danced through the chaotic ballet of dogfights above the city, his nimble aircraft evading missiles and bullets alike. The odds were against him, but he relished the challenge. The laser system on his plane sliced through the air, targeting and eliminating the remaining Angels one by one. The first plane was taken down with a burst of 20mm rounds to the right engine. The second was killed with a single railgun sabot that tore open the cockpit. The last one was quickly killed with a missile to the wing. The radio crackled with the final moments of each adversary, their voices fading into the cold silence of defeat.

As the last pilot spiraled out of control, Munin's attention turned to Phoenix. The two ace pilots engaged in a deadly dance, their planes twisting and turning in a lethal ballet. The radio frequency buzzed with their terse exchanges.

<< "Tell me, would your family be proud?" >> Phoenix challenged, her words cutting through the roar of engines.

Munin's response was a haunting laugh. << "Pride is for the living, my dear." >>

The two continued, trying to outmaneuver one another. They exchanged gunfire, the tracers cutting through the twilight sky. Munin twisted around in his seat, trying to find his opponent in the sky. She was chasing him, sticking to his plane's tail like glue. He could see Phoenix tailing him, and he leveled out. Her plane has AAM-110s, so it will take her 3 seconds to lock on. He flew straight, and suddenly pulled the plane into a Kulbit maneuver, letting Phoenix's plane overshoot his. He was behind her now, and he took the opportunity, firing off a burst of bullets into the engine of her jet. The engine exploded, lurching the jet forward. He smiled lightly, but Phoenix pulled her plane up, making his laser miss the killing blow. Munin cursed and tried to reposition, but Phoenix fired her last missile, striking the left wing of his plane. The plane lurched, causing him to smash his head into the cockpit.

<< "What a waste of a pilot..." >>Phoenix's lament echoed through the radio. << "You're nothing but a murderer." >> Munin smiled in response. He watched her plane fall, spinning, until it hit the ground. He chuckled lightly and flipped open the release switch for the Coridium bomb. He could see the ground approaching fast, and he didn't even bother pulling up. He gave one last glance at the pilots fighting overhead and smiled. The bomb dropped, hitting the ground moments before he did. He saw the flash of light, and then, darkness enveloped him.

I did it, Hugin. It's over.

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