Chapter VII

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"Don't be arrogant."


Universe #̸̛̤ 1̴̀2̶̓4̷̕2̸̑9̵̒3̴̈́8̶̈́9̵1̸̂

Munin lets go of the amulet and puts his hands on the controls and throttle. " 'We're the last generation of fighter pilots. So let's show them what we can do.' " He quotes, pushing the throttle to the afterburner. The ASFX-30F had a supercruise capability, able to comfortably "Eclipse, a Federation war hero, and one of my best friends," he says. "Come on, Raven. Let's finalize this contract." He says as the plane starts to accelerate, slowly at first but eventually shooting forward at almost Mach 1. He pulls the plane up and into a tight Kulbit maneuver before leveling out. Colonel Li scoffs.

"Tsk. You show off," she says. "But fancy maneuvers will not help you." Munin sighs, leaning back, letting Raven take control.

"We'll see." He says, sounding bored. "Raven, tell me when we get to the AO." He murmurs before closing his eyes and resting his head on the headrest.
"Munin... We're already here." Raven says. Munin sighs and grabs onto the controls, activating the CASKET system, and waiting for the camera system to power on.

"Alright then. Miss Hood, are you here yet?" he asks. "I'm waiting." Then the proximity warning starts to go off. Munin smiles, deploying the ECM system. "Shadow system has been deployed." He says.

"ECM is boosting combat capabilities by 150%" Raven announces. Munin glances at the radar, turns his plane, and faces Hood's plane. " 15,000 meters to target." Munin switches to the laser system.

"Exodus is armed. Raven, tell us when it is 8000 meters to the target." He says, not taking his eyes off the crosshair.

"Understood," Raven says simply. Munin nods, gripping the controls so tight that his knuckles are turning white. "8000 meters to the target.... Now, Munin." Raven says. Munin checks the targeting system once more before nodding to himself, convinced that the laser would hit. He fires, the laser appearing as a light pink line before the color intensifies, turning into a crimson beam. It streaks across the sky at the speed of light as the laser system wines, keeping itself from overheating. Over the radio, he can hear Colonel Li cursing and then the radio cuts out. Munin quickly switches off the laser system and uses the personal radio link to talk to his opponent.

"So, did that take you out?" He asks. Li sighs, before responding in a surprised voice.

"Yes. What was that? How did you take me out so quickly?" she asked. Munin smiles.

"It was a laser, a type of concentrated energy weapon." He says. "It is nicknamed Exodus, after my deceased friend."

"...Understood," Li says. After a minute she says something else. "...I'm sorry for your loss," she says. Munin sighs, leaning back in his chair, and closing his eyes.

"I have lost so much that I have gotten used to it," he says, shrugging. "Almost all of my friends are dead," he says. He pauses, taking a breath, trying to rid his mind of the painful memories but to no avail. "My sister is dead as well. I have... nothing left for me," he says, trying not to tear up. Show no emotions. Showing emotions is simply showing a weakness. "But I guess this is what I deserve." He mutters under his breath.

"...." The radio was silent as if Li did not know what to say. "I'm so sorry, Munin... I never thought-" she trails off.

"It doesn't matter," he says. "Echo 1-1 RTB. Li, you need a ride?" he asks.

"Negative," she says. "Just focus on yourself for now." Munin nods, turning towards the base.

"Raven, Li, want to go out to dinner tonight? This occasion deserves a celebration," he says.

"No thanks, Munin," Li says. "Besides, I want to introduce you to someone when you get back," she says cryptically.

"Okay... Meet you there then," he says.

"Understood. Have a nice flight," she says.

"Acknowledge all, Colonel," he says, smiling to himself.

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