Chapter XII

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"First Week"



Universe: 124293891


The following week at the arcane academy unfolded in a series of challenging and frustrating experiences for Munin. Each day seemed like a never-ending struggle as he attempted to grasp the intricacies of magic, a world that felt alien and elusive to him.

In the library, Munin sat hunched over a thick tome, the pages filled with incomprehensible runes and diagrams. He sighed heavily, his fingers drumming impatiently on the table. Jasper, ever the patient friend, sat beside him, offering quiet encouragement.

"Scheiße!" Munin hissed angrily, attracting the disdainful gazes of some of the other students.

"Come on, Munin, you're making progress," Jasper said, trying to boost his friend's spirits.

Munin glanced at the page, his brow furrowing. "I can't make sense of this, Jasper. It's like trying to read a language from another universe."

Jasper frowned, sympathy in his eyes. "I know it's tough for you, Munin. Magic comes naturally to most here, but you've got a different set of skills." Munin's jaw clenched slightly, a flash of frustration crossing his features.

"Different skills that no one here seems to appreciate. They treat me like an outsider." Jasper nodded in understanding. He had seen firsthand the discrimination Munin faced because of his inability to perform magic and his reliance on technology. It was a constant struggle for Munin to prove his worth in a world where magic was revered.

"We'll figure this out, Munin," Jasper said with determination. "You're not alone in this. We'll find a way to bridge the gap between technology and magic." Munin's lips curled into a small, appreciative smile.

"Thanks, Jasper. I'm lucky to have you as a friend." Munin muttered and resumed his futile attempts at deciphering the ancient runes.


"Come on, Munin, rise and shine," Jasper would say, his voice a blend of encouragement and exasperation.

Munin would respond with a half-hearted grumble, the weariness never fully dissipating. It was a familiar routine between the two friends, a testament to their unwavering bond.

They trudged to class together, Jasper serving as Munin's guide through the labyrinthine corridors of the academy. The disdainful glances from their fellow students were a constant presence, like a weight on Munin's shoulders that he had no choice but to bear.

In the classroom, Munin still struggled to comprehend the intricate runes and spells that were second nature to the other students. He diligently took notes, his pen with the depleted uranium bullet serving as a reminder of the world he hailed from—a world of technology and science, so vastly different from the mystical realm he now inhabited.

One day, as Munin's frustration mounted during a particularly complex lecture on elemental magic, he couldn't contain his irritation any longer. He discreetly leaned over to Jasper and muttered, "I swear, these damned runes make no sense. It's like trying to read a foreign language."

Jasper, with a sympathetic glance, whispered back, "Hang in there, Munin. You'll get the hang of it."

Munin's eyes darted to the clock, and he couldn't believe that only five minutes had passed. His impatience grew, and he glanced over at the professor again. This time, he caught his gaze and cleared her throat, his expression stern.

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