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I wake up to my phone blowing up, its the pouge group chat

JB: Anyone down for a boat day?

JJ🖕: Is that even a question, I'll bring the drinks!

Pope: Sure, let me tell my dad.

Keke🐢: Yeah im down, but whos gonna go wake the beast..

I laugh at this,

Me: The "beast" is already awake she was rudley woken up by you blowing up her phone.

JB: Womp womp, be there in 15 😉

I sigh and look at the time, its only 12pm its way to early for me. Its been about a week since I graduated and I've just been taking time to myself after school. I definitely need this boat day to start my summer, I want a nice long summer to get fucked up all the time and at all cost avoid Rafe. Me and Rafe have never gotten along, and me and Sarah are best friends which makes it even harder.

Kiara dosent mind that im friends with Sarah her 'sworn enemy, to be honest I dont even know what she ever did to her but whatever.

I get out of bed and head to my bathroom to brush my teeth and make my self look decent. Then I travel back in my room and find something to wear. I throw on a navy blue bikini with some flowers on each side of the top, then some white shorts and a button up.

I grab my bag and phone and head down stairs

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I grab my bag and phone and head down stairs.

My mom is in the kitchen cleaning when I enter "Good afternoon sweetie." she says with sarcasm,

"Afternoon mom," I say chuckling.

"Where are you going today? First time ive seen you ready in days." she says while drying off her hands.

"Im going out with the pouges today they're almost here," I grab a granola bar so I dont have an empty stomach, I already know how much I will drink today. "Okay well have fun and be careful, remember you are sleeping over at the camerons tonight because me and dad are having that dinner."

Oh my god. I completly forgot my parents are having this fancy buissnes dinner tonight. I'm excited to see Sarah and wheezie but my plan of avoiding Rafe is going to be ruined.

I try and hide the slight annoyance in my voice, "Oh yeah, I'll be back to pack a bag and stuff later," as I say this I feel my phone vibrate and I know they are here, "My friends are here mom but ill see you later!" I hear her say goodbye as I slip out the back door and out to the HMS pouge.


Its a couple hours later and im a few beers in sunbathing with Kiara. Suddenly something was blocking my sun, "Hey ladies," JJ said with a smirk. I hit his ball cap down and we all laughed.

Me and JJ had a little fling last summer but in the end we were better off friends. I lost my v-card to him so we have some kind of connection.

"JJ move your ass, your blocking our sun!" Kiara yells. JJ groans and moves away, I know hes kidding with the smile on his face.

Kiara and me became friends a long time ago, Sarah introduced me to her when we were younger and now well you know. Ive always hated the stupid Kooks and Pouges shit I dont get why we all cant just get along. The pouges know im friends with the kooks and they dont mind them, not as much as Rafe. They hate Rafe we all do, everyone on this island knows about me and Rafes hatred towards each other.

Ever since we were little he has always been my best friends annoying brother and to him im the annoying best friend. I dont get why he dosent like me ive never done anything to him but if he is going to hate me then ill hate him. Im not one to let someone push me around espesially not Rafe Cameron.

I snap out of my head when John B speaks up, "Oh great look who it is.."

I sit up blocking the sun with my hand and kiara sits up next to me. I groan loudly when I see it's Rafe with Kelce, Topper, and Sarah.

Sarah with a smile on her face, "Hey Emily," I smile and wave back. "Hi Em!" Kelce says to me and Topper gives me a smile. Rafe however dosent even look in my direction, Typical.

Rafe finally speaks up, "Hey John B hows dad doing?" he says with a big smirk. John B's dad has been missing at sea for awhile now. We all know he is gone but John B still holds some hope, I mean can you blame him.

This sets off a nerve in John B but before he can speak up I do,

"What the fuck is your problem Rafe?" Im now standing walking to the edge of the boat Rafe turns to look at me,

"I was talking to you, princess." I roll my eyes he knows I hate that name.

"Dont talk about my father-" rafe cuts him off, "I'll do whatever the fuck I want pouge, daddys not around to stick up for you anymore." he makes a fake pouting face,

"Rafe stop." Sarah says sternly. The boats are getting to far away from each other to continue whatever this is. "I'll see you tonight Em!" Sarah yells at me as ours boats finally pass.

Trying to clam JJ down is such a mess, "Im gonna kill him man, who does he think he is," he is pacing back and forth as we head back to the Chateau.

"Its fine JJ, its Rafe Cameron he always says shit like that you just gotta ignore it. Your getting way to worked up over this." Kiara states.

Pope decides to join the conversation after working on his scorlarship for awhile, "If anyone should be worked up right now it should be John B, dude your acting way to calm about this."

"Its like Kie said its Rafe do you excpet anything less, I just gotta ignore it im not gonna let him ruin my day with some stupid comment." John B says while pulling up to the house.

"I agree, my goal this summer is to avoid stupid fights and then of course be drunk all the time," I say cracking open another beer, "I agree, can we promise to just have a nice chill summer." John B says and we all clink our beers together and throw them back.

If only we knew just how crazy this summer was about to get.

Soo first chap is done, it kinda sucks no one tells you how hard dialog is to write.

Hope you enjoyed tho, next chapter will have a little more Rafe and some more kook action:)

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