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!!!!TW Mentions of Violence, Guns, and Blood!!!!!

Emilys POV:

I should have known Rafe would follow me. The second I said I was going home I fucked up, maybe I need to get some sleep. I set my bike on the side of the church next to Sarah's listening for any voices when I heard the grass crunch me. Turning I see Rafe and Kelce storming up to me and my jaw tightens.

"So you're following me now?"

"Well I mean we both thought it was kinda weird how you went the opposite direction of your house, why is that? Ohhh yeah cause you know something we don't right?"

I shake my head and I'm about to say something when we all hear yelling upstairs, "Yo, is that Topper?" Kelce asks us and we listen more. My face drops when I hear Topper's voice and right after police sirens get closer.

"No no-"

"What?" Rafe asks me as I start to freak out, "He's in there isn't he, John B?"

I don't say a word and they both go around the back to get in, I follow. We jump through a broken window and I follow them through the dusty room. "What are you doing Rafe?"

He doesn't speak and stops in the middle next to a bunch of columns. Standing there me and Kelce both kinda look at each other not knowing what's happening. Rafe then tries to walk farther but Kelce grabs his shoulder, "Yo."

"What?" Rafe ask and shakes his hand off

"Don't run into an ambush." Kelce replies

"Mmm maybe just don't go at all." I shrug my shoulders.

Rafe then comes back to us making a circle with the three of us standing shoulder to shoulder. He pulls something out of his pocket and brings it in the middle of us. Suddenly our faces are illuminated with the fire coming from Rafes lighter.

"Let's smoke 'em out then. Yea?" Rafe says with a manic smile and turns to set a column on fire

"Bro what are you doing?" Kelce says

"Rafe, Rafe stop-" I plead

"Shit." Kelce swears under his breath and we all stare the the flames growing bigger

"Hey this is war." Rafe says and walks past us getting out and we both follow. I look up to where my friends are praying they escape. Jumping back out the broken window I run and grab my bike before following the boys around trying not to get caught by the cops.

Walking through the woods im mute as I think about everything that's happened. Holding my bike it keeps getting caught on branches pissing me off, "Fuck!" I rip it off the ground and throw it running my hands through my hair

"Jesus Em." Kelce turns around and comes back towards me, "Are you good?"

"No, no I'm not." I go to pick up my bike but Kelce beats me to it

"I've got it, both of you are acting so weird."

Rafe who still hasn't turned around just stands there and I roll my eyes, "God how can you just stand there and act like nothing is happening. You have the power to stop all this shit but you won't." I talk to Rafes back until he turns around with his arms crossed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Rage consumes me hearing Rafes words

"Emily what do you mean?" Kelce ask me sounding concerned

I debated for a second if I should tell him the truth cause I'm going to sound insane but I hate lying to him. "John B is innocent. I was there on that air strip and so was Rafe."

Rage, Love, Lust(Rafe Cameron)Where stories live. Discover now