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Its been about an hour since Kelce dropped me off at home. Since then ive changed and freshend up a bit. I Threw on a blue tube top and some white comfy shorts.

Im sitting outside by my pool reading when I hear my phone buzz

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Im sitting outside by my pool reading when I hear my phone buzz. I set down my book making sure I mark my place before picking up my phone,

JB: Picking you up in 5 be ready.

Me: Do you even know how long it takes a girl to get ready?

JB: Too bad so sad, we gotta go

Me: Well then hurry up 🙄


I grab my book and walk back inside slipping on my converse and wait outside on the front porch. After a few minutes I see the twinkie pull into my driveway and I hop down the steps getting into the front seat,

"Why good afternoon Mrs. Oakes" John B smiles

"Where is everyone?" He starts to pull out

"We gotta go pick them all up, Pope and JJ were working today."

My face drops and I look away not wanting him to see, "Okay, why was this so urgent whats going on?"

"Just go with the flow Em stop asking so many questions." He smiles and look at the road, I just chuckle and play some music.

I play the song 'You've got the heat' by luster blasting it and John B rolls the windows down

We get Kiara who hops in the back and right away starts singing along with the song. After another short drive we pull up to the Heywards and the boys hop in,

"Holy shit Pope what happened to your face!" Kiara ask

He looks at me and my eyes sadden and JJ pipes up, "It was the stupid Kooks they jumped him on the course."

"They got you pretty good man." John B says looking at his face. I just stare at Pope, for some reason I feel like this is all my fault. Like I could have done more he gives me a soft smile and I give one back

I turn back up the music and we drive over to the club "The club?"

"All right keep a look out. We are behind enemy lines." JJ pulls out the gun and my eyes widen

"Yo come on man just put it back"

"JJ someone is going to see you" I try grabing it and he pulls away "JJ." I say sternly

"You can never be to careful."

I shake my head in disaproval, "I swear to god im going to throw that thing in the Ocean JJ." Kiara says

"Thank you!" John B agrees with her and he grabs the gun from him

We start to walk up, "So why are we here?" Pope ask

Rage, Love, Lust(Rafe Cameron)Where stories live. Discover now