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Warning: smut and drugs

JJ was arrested today. He took the balme for Pope and now has to pay restitution. Thats all I know as of now, I got a phone call earlier from Kiara telling me cause i've just been home all day. After last night I woke up with a pounding headache from Topper hitting me, I cant stay mad at him forever but what the fuck was he thinking.

I told Sarah this morning what happend and lets just say she wasnt the happiest either. I dont know what she said or did but he sent me a long ass apology text which I skipped half of. Now tonight we are going to a party.

Alchohol is problably the last thing I need right now, but I would never turn down a good kook party.  Its just me and Sarah tonight and she is over getting ready. Im wearing a jean skirt and a simple black tank top

Sarah has on a cute little sundress as we listen to music in my bathrrom getting ready

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Sarah has on a cute little sundress as we listen to music in my bathrrom getting ready. Its around 9 right now and the party starts in 30,

"Hey do you think Steven is going to be there tonight?" Sarah ask putting on some blush

"Oh I dont know let me ask him." I pull out my phone and shoot him a quick text at which he quickly reads but never responds,

"This bitch left me on read." Sarah laughs

"Did you just call a boy a bitch?"

"Yes." I laugh a little, "Whatever if I see him tonight ill make sure to scold him."

We finish getting ready and head downstairs trying to be a little more quiet since my parents are in bed, "God they are so old, 9:30? Really?"

"Tell me about it, no one can disturb Rose after 8 on week days."  We both laugh and slip on out shoes, I put on some vans and Sarah the same.

Because this guys house isnt to far we decid to walk together, its about a ten minute walk from my house.

As we get closer I can already hear the music and loads of people talking. We walk uo the porach and enter the house.

"Holy shit." There are so many people here. Sarah grabs my arm and leads me further into the house straight the the kitchen.

We both grab whatever seltezer we could find and crack it open. We sit and people watch for a few

"I dont see anyone I know." I say finishing up my drink

"Yeah me either-" suddenly someone comes up behind her and they start talking,

"Hey im going to get anther drink do you need one?" I ask Sarah

"No im okay right now, thank you." She smiles and I walk back into the kitchen finding another drink

I look outside the window onto the back porch and see Steven talking to some other guys. Right away I find myself walking outside

"Hey Steven!" He looks at me and ignores me to start talking to his friends again. Fuck no.

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