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Sorry this pic is so big lol, this is what Emily is wearing!

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Sorry this pic is so big lol, this is what Emily is wearing!

Rafe got dressed and I got back into my dirty clothes to which Rafe took as a opportunity to make fun of me until I told him it was cause Barry made me lay in a muddy ditch. He didnt think it was very funny after that. We took Rafes truck and he brought me home and talked to my dad as I got dressed, its nice just being normal with him no arguing. This will probably end soon but im enjoying it while it lasts I guess. I really dont know what we are but im also not one of those girls who ask, "What are we?" ew. 

Heading to Kelces house we spoke almost no words, just blasted music and I sang along. Rafe however refused to sing even though I could see him mouthing the words, "Come on Rafe I know you like this song, I can see you bobbing your head." He glanced at me for a quick second with a smile and returns his attention back to the road. 

Rafe pulled into Kelces driveway and turned off the music. Without a word, we both get out and walk up to the house. Rafe doesnt bother to knock, he just walks right in, the smell of food invading my nose, just now realizing how hungry I am. We then head down the hall, entering the kitchen where we're then greeted by everyone. 

"Whats going on man." Rafe dabs Topper up, ofc. 

"Well hello m'lady." Kelce walks over to me and hugs me from the side as I smile up at him. 

After me Kelce break the hug, I see Rafe staring right at him ignoring whatever nonsense Topper is saying into his ear. I roll my eyes at his jelousy but secretly find it hot. I hear the front door open again and frown not excpecting anyone else. 

"Whats up guys!" Sarah comes into view with two beer boxes in each hand

"What are you doing here?" I walk over with a big smile on my face which she returns and I hug her. 

"I invited her, wasnt gonna let you be the only girl here, and I know Topper would complain if I said anything so it was better as a surprise." Kelce scratches the back of his neck. Looking over Topper looks paler than usual and Rafe has a stupid grin on his face "I mean come on its the group back together!" 

Everyone kinda stares between Topper and Sarah who doesnt seem to care. "Well I think it was a great idea Kelce! Topper have a drink or something christ." I grab one beer box out of Sarahs hand and drop it on the counter. I rip open the box and hand a beer to Topper which he takes but still never takes his eyes of Sarah. 

After a few beers for all of us the mood got brighter, Topper and Sarah acting semi normal but also not really interacting a lot. Right now we are all outside with just our feet in the pool. Rafe next to me and his foot keeps hitting mine under the water. Sarah and Kelce are on the other side of me and Topper kinda on his own side. 

Rage, Love, Lust(Rafe Cameron)Where stories live. Discover now