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I wake up to the sound of rain on my window. Ah Agatha has decided to come a little early today. I groan and roll over to grab my phone. I see a text from last night

Rafe:i'm sorry.

I stare at my screen. Am I seeing this right? I don't even know how to reply to this.

I ignore it and get out of bed, I brush my teeth and wash my face then slip on my slippers. I head out of my room and downstairs.

I hear the weather channel on as I enter the kitchen.

"Good morning honey." my dad comes to my side and kisses the top of my head

"Morning dad." I smile slightly and grab the feral to make myself a bowl. Once i'm done I head to the living room to watch tv.

I sit next to my mom on the couch and she throws the blanket she's using over me.

"This storm is gonna hit pretty bad em, I don't want you leaving the house till it passes over."

"I thought u wanted me to get out of the house."

"I'm serious-" I laugh, "I know mom i'm kidding."

She smiles slightly, "How was the party last night, I heard you come in earlier than I was expecting."

I don't look at her as I finish up my cereal, "It was fine, I just got tired and decided to come home."

"Okayy so who's truck was that who dropped you off?"

I choke on my food


"Oh please I saw you pull in and I know my daughter. Something happened you don't have to tell me but are you okay?"

"Yeah i'll be okay mom, it was Rafe," I roll my eyes, "He just had to make a scene once again ruining my night."

"So was that his truck?"

I set down my bowl on the side table and look at her, "Yeah.."


We leave the conversation at that, my mom knows I don't like talking about things like that. I love her so much both my parents. They aren't strict tbh they are like my friends as long as i'm responsible they don't mind what I do.

My phone vibrates in my hoodie pocket

Sarah❣️: Could I come over, I want to before the storm picks up

"Hey mom could Sarah come over for a little?"

"Yes but that girl needs to be careful with this storm." I chuckle

Me: Yes come on over;)

I get up grab my bowl and head to the kitchen to clean up. My dad is sitting at the island working on his laptop and I tell him Sarah is coming over.

After a few minutes I hear the doorbell and I run to grab it.

Sarah walks in and kicks off her shoes and hangs up her jacket.

"Hi em, Hi mrs oakes" Sarah says and we walk towards the stairs.

My mom turns around on the couch, "Sarah how many times do I need to tell you call me Diana."

"Yes sorry Diana" me and Sarah laugh and head up the stairs to my room

Rage, Love, Lust(Rafe Cameron)Where stories live. Discover now