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Mention of guns and violence

The boys wake me up early the next morning to go get Kiara and Sarah. I sleep on the boat going there,

"Wake up sleepy head almost there."  JJ hits me with his hat which I gladly snatch and put over my face

I groan, "Its to early for this, havent seen the sunrise in awhile." 

JJ takes his hat back pulling me by my arms to sit up. I peel open my eyes to find him handing me a beer

"Seriously?" I tilt my head

"What thought it might wake you up" He smirks

I laugh and hit is hat down over his eyes.

"Its all yours." I hear him crack it open as I stand up nearing the front of the boat as I see we are nearing the girls

"You gotta admit it was funny." John B yells once we are close

"Some patriartical bullshit." Kiara comments

"Yeah that sucked." I can tell in the tone of Sarahs voice shes lying and I giggle to myself

"You still love us though right?" JJ throws Kiara the rope to tie us off

"We are both gonna get you back when you least excpect it."

"Hey get me in on this!" I pipe up

"Emily!" John B shoots me a look

"What" I smirk and shrug my shoulders

"So did you guys.. you know talk?" Pope ask

"Nope...but were willing to work together."

Me and the boys cheer and they do there stupid handshake

"You guys ready to jack some loot?"

The pouges drop me and Sarah off at Tanneyhill to change for tonight

"Pick you up at 10!" John B says as they drive off

Me and Sarah head up to the house and slide through the back door

"Sarah were have you been all night?" Rose enters the room

"I spent the night at Audreys."

Rose looks at me then back to Sarah, "Next time tell me I was worried."

"Okay." Sarah grabs my arm and we run up the stairs to her bedroom

"Hey Sarah can I jump in the shower?"

"Oh yeah sure im gonna shower also, just use the guest room."

"Okay" I grab a towel and some clothes to change into and head down the hall. I pass Rafes room but his door is shut.

I take a nice long shower feeling like I havent bathed in years. Stepping out I wrap myself in a towel and walk out into the room were my clothes are set on the bed.

I start getting dressed putting on my black bra and underwear

"Great view." I jump at the low voice from behind me whipping around to see Rafe in the doorway

"Jesus Rafe you scared me."

"Couldnt help it." He smirks looking me up and down

I grab my black sweatshirt throwing it over my head quickly, "Shows over Rafey."

"You know I hate that name." He sounds closer and I turn to meet his chest

"Thats why I say it." I smile up at him

Rage, Love, Lust(Rafe Cameron)Where stories live. Discover now