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Last night after leaving Tannyhill I called Kie having them pick me up. We hid the rest of the night parked in this abandoned house listening to the radio calls from the police looking for John B. Now we are by the docks trying to sneak John B onto the ferry to get him of the island, Pope is looking at the board as we all wait and watch. John B is hiding beside me with the seat down JJ on my other side.

Getting in this car last night wasn't very fun with JJ asking me a million question to which I did not respond. Pope starts heading back towards the car and I see his nervous twitches start and sigh. "Okay...so okay." Pope is panicking getting back into the car

"Pope can you act normal?" Kie says from the front seat

"Okay so um bad news, ferries closed and there is this-" Pope hands Kie a piece of paper which she stares at in disbelief.

"Give me that." I snatch the paper from her, "Oh shit."

"Well John B this is a good framer of you." JJ says looking at the paper in my hands. John B just stares without a word.

"Okay so the whole island is looking for John B right now."

"Congrats John B, you're famous." I say and hand him the paper

"We gotta get to the HMS-"Kie says

"Its at the chateau Kie, cops have that entire place staked out." John B finally speaks

Pope starts mumbling up front then quickly turns around to JJ, "Does your dad still have that boat?"

We all turn to look at JJ, "The cigarette boat? The Phantom?" JJ ask

"The one he used to race."


Everyone starts arguing and John B yells beside me, "Guys this car is on the poster!"

"Pope get out of here! Stop honking!" I yell when I notice everyone start to look into our car

"HEY I FOUND HIM!" Some random guy comes up and see John B

"Pope turn the freaking car on!" We all yell. Pope finally gets the car going and smashes into something in front of us. We speed out of there Pope hitting everything on the way

"How much weed did you have?!" I yell

"You are not good at driving dude stop!" JJ yells and Pope slams on the brakes

"John B get out." Pope says

"He's right get out and we will have the cops on us, GO!" I say and John B frantically gets out of the car

"We will meet you at the rig tomorrow at 3 o'clock okay?" JJ yells before he runs away and we take off again down the road.

We drive around for a while until it gets dark. Pope and JJ smoking weed and cracking jokes, "Man you clocked that car dude." JJ says laughing and Pope drifts the car around a corner

"JJ it's not funny he shouldn't be driving, pull over." Kie yells and once the car stops she gets out and switches places with pope so she's driving.

"Where are we going Kie?" I ask

"Last place they will look."

I frown my brows but after awhile I know exactly where shes taking us, "Kie-"

"Look I dont know whats going on between you and Rafe but right now Sarah is the only one who can clear John B's name so we gotta try okay?"

I just nod as we pull into Tannyhill and start to hop the fence. Kiara and Pope go first leaving me and JJ after them. Once me and JJ get over the fence we see them in a very intense conversation and stop walking.

Rage, Love, Lust(Rafe Cameron)Where stories live. Discover now