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We have been back at the Chateau for about an hour now and i've stopped drinking. I need to head home soon before I head to the Camerons.

"Hey guys I think i'm gonna get going." I say as I grab my bag and throw my button up back on.

"Ugh no please don't leave me Emily," kiara begged.

"Hey we're not so bad, don't sound so disappointed," JJ said with a hand over his heart.

I chuckle "I'm sorry I gotta go back home first before heading to Tanny Hill."

"Ah, kook central"

"Tanny Hill is the rip off White house."

Everyone hums in response to JJ. I say goodbye and head out the door. It's a good walk from here to figure eight but Its a nice walk to just clear my head.


I went home and packed a bag for tonight and changed into a cute athletic dress

I went home and packed a bag for tonight and changed into a cute athletic dress

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I threw on some white tennis shoes and said goodbye to my parents.

I pull into the Cameron's drive way, I park the car and grab my bag locking my car on the way up.

Me: I'm here

Sarah❣️: Okay, i'm in my room just come up;)

I enter the Cameron's house and I don't see anyone around. I start to head up the stairs when I run into the devil himself. Rafe looks up from his phone, "Oh I forgot you were coming." he says with an annoyed tone.

"Don't sound so excited, Rafey." I now have a shit eating grin on my face, I know he HATES it when I call him that.

"Don't fucking call me that Emily," his voice got lower

"Oh calling me by my actual name? Your serious." I chuckle earning a death stare from Rafe.

I start to move past him and up the stairs, "It's a shame you know?"

I stop and turn around meeting his cold blue eyes, "What is?"

He narrows his eyes at me, "You surround yourself with those 'pouges' when you could have been kook royalty."

"Fyi I am one of those 'pouges' and I don't give a crap about the stupid kook and pouge bullshit Rafe," he runs his tounge along the side of his cheek, "and since when do you have this sudden interest in my life?"

"I dont" his face drops and I roll my eyes,

"Whatever have a shitty night." I flip him off and start to run up the rest of the stairs wanting to get away from him.

I walk into sarah's room and throw my bag on the ground,

"What took you so long?" Sarah says as I jump onto the bed next to her,

Rage, Love, Lust(Rafe Cameron)Where stories live. Discover now