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Warnings: Violance and Blood

I finally decide to drag myself out of bed to start getting ready for tonight. Im wearing a blue tank top thats silk on bottom and knit on top and I pair it with some jean shorts. Then put on some light makeup and throw on my converse.

 Then put on some light makeup and throw on my converse

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I hear my phone chime and I grab it

Sarah❣️: Here

Me: Kk be down in a few

I spray some more perfume and head downstairs

"Sarah is here guys so im gonna go!" I yell walking towards the door, "Okay be careful honey, be home by 3 please, love you!"

"Love you too!" I lock the door behind me and make my way down the driveway to hop into Toppers Jeep

"Hey guys" I shut the door and buckle my seat belt as Topper pulls away, "Hey em, ready for tonight?" Topper ask loooking at me thru the rear mirror

"First party of the summer for me, im so fucking ready."

I need a drink...or 7.

After last night with Rafe, I havent stopped thinking about it all day. I've seen him high whatever but he has never been like that with me. He kinda scared me last night I know he would never try to hurt me but..idk.

Sarah's laughter brought me out of my head and the car comes to a stop. We head up to the house and right when we walk in the temperature spikes.

"Jesus christ its like a frat house, my hair is gonna frizz up." Topper chuckles at my comment as we walk towards the back, I need to get out of this heat.

Once we get outside I spot Kelce, "Hey guys i'm gonna go say hi to Kelce."

"Okay be careful, if anything happens come find me, okay? Sarah says

"I will dont worry about me." I smile and we part ways, I head over to Kelce when he sees me a smile spreads across his face

"EMILEY!" a few people around us look. He hugs me and shoves a solo cup into my hand

"Just what I needed" I chug the beer down and bend down to refill with the keg, "Oh so we are getting fun Emily tonight"

"Oh yea." Kelce cheers and we go over to play some beer pong.

After a few games and a few more drinks we hear everyone cheering by the pool, we head over to the crowd and look up. Oh lord. Sarah and Topper are on the roof

"How much you wanna bet Sarah will actually jump." Kelce ask from behind me, "Well if I know my best friend she wont need much convincing."

"Oh really? five bucks," I scoff and turn around to look up at him, "Alright bet."

The crowd goes more crazy once they get closer to the edge. I can see them talking to each other then suddenly Topper picks Sarah up bridal style and they jump.

Rage, Love, Lust(Rafe Cameron)Where stories live. Discover now