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!!!Warning this chapter contains violence and death!!!

After leaving Tannyhill last night my parents demanded I come home so I did. Not before I gave the gun back to JJ, lord knows im not bringing that into my house. The pouges texted me and said John B was with them at the chateau which was a huge relief. I dozed off while on my phone, not even bothering to change my clothes. I jump awake from my phone buzzing on my chest, grabbing it as I squint my eyes seeing a text from Kiara, "Gold hunt is off." 

what?  Confused I repsond with question marks when I get another text from Sarah. I glance at the time and its only 7am why is she awake. 

Sarah: Hey Em just wanted to let you know my dad making me go with him to the Bahamas house for the week idk whats going on but yea. Rafe is staying back tho ;)

My heart skips at his name but I ignore it and go back to Kie's text seeing she said all the gold is gone, John B looked. Ignoring that from being upset I text back Sarah, "Do you know why this is so sudden? what's going on?"

Sarah: Idk we are about to leave but hes been saying its an extra heavy load or something so only me and him can go for now."

I look up at my wall staring as I try and piece everything together. Why would it be such a heavy load for the two of them? .......HOLY FUCK!!

I jump up from my bed slipping on my converse as fast I can. I run down the stairs grabbing my keys, luckly my parents arent awake yet. I silently hope they didn't hear me. 

Running to my car, I jump in the drivers seat and instantly call John B, tapping my fingers waiting for him to answer. 

"Hello?" John B says 

"JOHN B! I figured it out. Ward has the gold and he's taking it to the Bahamas. He has Sarah fuck-" I almost hit someone at the speed I'm driving to Tannyhill, trying to catch them before they leave, even though I have no game plan. I hear some rustling on the phone before Pope speaks out,

"EM! Em thank god, you're the only smart person here-" 

"Wait Pope arent you supposed to be at your interview?" 

"Not important, I figured it out too and you're right. Ward has the gold we gotta get to the airstrip!" Pope is yelling over the phone breathing heavy and I can tell they are running to the Twinkie to drive over 

"I just pulled into Tanneyhill I'll text you." I say and hang up fast getting out of the car and running up the driveway into the house. 

I look around and see no one, but I hear someone in the kitchen so I walk that way. On my way Rafe is coming towards me ready to leave but he sees me and jumps, "Emily? What the fuck are you doing here?" 

He tried to push past me but I wont let him, "Where is your dad?" Rafes phone rings right on queue and the screen lights up with Wards name. We both look at the phone and back at each other, "Answer it." I say to him but he hesistates, "Rafe answer the phone." 

He picks up and they exchange a few words before he hangs up again, "Emily.. I need to go help my dad so please move." Rafe talks to me with caution cause we are both on edge 

"Im coming with you then." I say 

"What? No you're not. You're staying here-" 

"No I'm coming with you Rafe-"

"I'm trying to keep you safe!" Rafe starts to raise his voice so I follow

"I'm safe when I'm with you!" Rafes body relaxes a little when I say that, "I already know what going on at that airstrip and I know you do too. I can't find a good reason as to why you're helping him-"

Rage, Love, Lust(Rafe Cameron)Where stories live. Discover now