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Warning: Violance and Drugs

I make it back home and crash into my bed not even bothering to take off my dress of makeup.

Why did I say that, what the fuck is wrong with me. I dont care how bad of a person he is he dosent derve what I just said to him. Even if he would say that shit to me Im not that kind of person.

I just lay in bed, I text my parents that im okay im just tired and needed to come home. I tell Sarah I made it back too.

At some point I fell asleep but was woken up by my phone ringing. I dont even bother checking the caller ID before picking up,


I sit up, "Rafe? why are you calling me its like" I pull the phone off my ear to check the time, "Two in the morning."

"I need you."


"Just please come over."

I know I shouldnt, "Okay, ill be there soon."

He hangs up and I stand up checking my appearance. Im still in my dress and my makeup has rubbed off a bit but I dont care.

I sneak out of my room and creep down the stairs slipping on some shoes and going out the back.

Thank god my car was parked in the street so my paretns wont hear it come on. I start my journey to tanny hill my mind thinking of a million things.

I pull in parking behind Sarahs car and I sneak around the back. Sarah always leaves it open for when she sneaks out.

I sneak up the stairs and enter Rafes room. Sitting on the floor he looks up at me,

"Rafe whats going on?" I walk to his side

"After earlier I had a little to much coke and im not doing okay."

My heart breaks. This is because of me,

"Its not because of you em dont worry yourself, I can see thats what you are doing."

He knows me better than I thought

"Why did you call me though, out of all people."

"I had no one else to call."

I just stare down at him

"Come on we need to clean you up."

I help him up off the floor and walk him over to his bathroom. I sit him down on the toilet.

I take a washcloth and coat it with cool water and step between his legs,

"Im so sorry about earlier. I should have never said those things Rafe." I stare at him wiping the sweat off his forehead

"Its true." I stop my movements and look inot his eyes. His eyes are dark or even sad, its just...Rafe.

"No its not, dont say that."

"Emily look at me. Your sitting here helping me because I was stupid a did to much"

I dont say anything and go back to cleaning him up,. "I want to stop, I really do but it's so hard."

"I belive you, and I know how hard it is. No matter how much I may hate you I still dont want to see you like this."

He just looks at me we stare into each others eyes untill it becomes to intense and I look down. I see his arm the one he was holding earlier I grab it gently lifting it up

Rage, Love, Lust(Rafe Cameron)Where stories live. Discover now