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Warnings: Slight Violence and Weapons

For Emily's outfit i'm thinking something like this with pink shorts and some sandals:)

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For Emily's outfit i'm thinking something like this with pink shorts and some sandals:)

The boneyard is starting to ger more crowded as I help John B and JJ pass out beers,

"Thank you m'lady." JJ says as he grabs the beer from my hand to give to a random tourist. Once mostly eveyone has a beer we put the stack of cups down next to the keg.

"So baiscally we almost die, scooter is dead, now we are throwing a kegger, and yet somehow im not freaking out right now?"

"Thats pouge life baby. Now shut up and get a drink" I laugh with JJ and John B shoves a solo cup into my hand.

We link arms and chug the beer hearing JJ cheeer us on in the back,

"CHUG CHUG CHUG!" a few others join

Suprisingly I finish my beer first making JJ pick me up and claim me the champion. Im laughing as people cheer around us.

"Good job em." JJ places me down and Me and John B shake hands, "I know" I wink at him

After awhile the sun starts setting making the fire more vibrant. Lots more people were here now and lots more were wasted. Some music played in the back as I head over to the fire where JJ was sitting,

"See any girls you like JJ?" I sip on my beer and he look over at me smirking,

"No one as pretty as you-" he says earning a shove from me,

"Shut up." we both laugh and some blonde chick comes and sits next to JJ, "Hi, it was JJ right?"

"Why yes it was," he puts his arm around her shoulders and all the sudden Kie speaks up

"What is she doing here?" I look over and see Sarah climbing something and Topper freaking out. Typical.

Kiara complains to John B who seems to be staring at Sarah a little too much...

I head over to them and yell to Topper, "Topper chill your tits, shes fine."

"Emily im allowed to be concernd for the girl alright-" Sarah starts to climb down making Topper jump forward and I roll my eyes, "You treat her like a child Top."

I uncross my arms as Sarah finally touches ground, "Hi Em" she comes over to hug me completly ignoring Toppers lecture to 'be more careful'

Someone suddenly grabs me from behind, "Hey good looking." I hear a faint groan behind him

"Hi Kelce" he lets go and I turn around when I look behind him and my smile fades. Rafe standing there drinking his beer. I havent seen him since the night of the party after he drove me home.

I think i was staring to long when he starts to smirk, "Like what you see princess?"

I roll my eyes and shake my head , "If I threw a stick, you'd leave right?"

Rage, Love, Lust(Rafe Cameron)Where stories live. Discover now