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Rafes POV:

We got back to tanny hill a while ago. Emily didnt stop crying until we got into my room and she feel asleep under my arm. I hate her friends but JJ god I fucking hate him. I didnt want to get violent earlier cause I know Emily doesnt like it..not that I care. 

All I saw was red when I heard the way JJ talked about her. Who talks like that about there friends? I'm no exception I guess cause I've been awful to her. Apoligizing isnt my stongest suit but I do feel bad- wait. 

I need to stop thinking like this. I shake my head trying to stop thinking making Emily stir in her sleep and I freeze not wanting to wake her up afaird she will cry more. Hearing her soft snoring once more I relax and just stare. 

Maybe im a creep but I cant stop staring. I gaze down at her on my side on my tear stained shirt, mascara is sligtly on her face and under her eyes. She looks sad even while sleeping. After awhile of staring I dose off for a few hours. 

I wake up to something buzzing like crazy on my bedside table. Emily has slightly moved off my arm so slowly I move and turn to look. Its not my phone going crazy its hers. I know I shouldnt but I pick it up and look at her lockscreen seeing its her stupid friends texting her. 

I was going to ignore it untill I saw in bold text 'WARD' and froze. I instantly start reading more messages seeing they are saying something about John B but keep mentioning my fathers name. What the fuck are they talking about.

In anger I sit up fast making Emily groan and start to wake up. I dont care as I grip her phone reading more text then I throw her phone on the bed. Not sure what to do I hear Emily croak out behind me.

"Rafe? Whats going on?" 

Emily's POV:

Just getting out of my sleepy daze I ask Rafe whats happening trying to let my eyes focus. I see him breathing heavy sat up in bed. Its light out now and I wonder how long I'd been asleep for. "Rafe?" I sit up more now and I notice my phone sitting next to him lighting up with text and my heart sinks. "Where you looking at my fucking text?!" 

He chuckles and stands up this makes me reach and grab my phone looking down at text from my friends blowing up my phone. Confused until I see the name Ward and John B my face drops. Rafe is pacing slightly in front of me while I keep reading. I read more and more and start sweating .

"You reading that shit to?" Rafe ask making me look up from my phone

"Why were you reading these?" 

He laughs again but darker scaring me, "They are talking about my dad princess, acussing him of crazy things!"

There he goes with that nickname again. "You had no fucking right to look at my phone Rafe! I- I dont know whats going on, we dont know anything so stop getting so angry!" 

"I- I dont know what to do right now." Rafe says low still pacing across the room. Hes getting figety thats when I know to stay away. 

"Take me home." He stops and turns around looking at me with nothing in his eyes.


"Take me home Rafe." I say sternly not putting up with the bullshit

"No your staying here."

 "To hell I am! I need to be with the pouges Rafe something is happening!" 

"You wanna go back to your shitty friends who kicked you to the curb last night? Really?!" He storms up to the bed and grabs my arm making me stand up, "Fine lets go home." 

Rage, Love, Lust(Rafe Cameron)Where stories live. Discover now