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!!!TW Mentions of Death!!!!

Emilys POV:

Its torture sitting, waiting anxiously for our friends to arrive. Im sat at the end of the doc, everyone behind me just staring endlessly into the water in front of me. Trying to stay calm but seeing Barry on the ground in the back of my head. I wash my hand and face off with the water but my clothes are still stained with the memory.

"Dude where is he!?" Kiara is pacing up and down the doc. I can feel the wood moving with her every step. Sirens still blaring in the background going back and forth trying helplessly to find John B.

"Give him a second hell be here." Pope trying to calm Kie down. I finally gain the strength to stand up and go back to my friends realizing I need to be there for them. I need to get out of my head.

"He's coming. Hell be fine." JJ still preparing the boat for them. The sound of cop sirens getting closer and before we know it a cop car is pulling up to us.

"Shit." I say under my breath

"Hey, get back in the boat," JJ starts yelling at us, "Untie it Pope!"

I stare into the car and squint, "No fucking way."

John B gets out of the driver seat backpack on we all stare in shock.

"You've gotta be kidding me." JJ smiling so big hops off the boat and runs to John B. This is the most we've smiled in days. I go and hug John B after JJ all of us taking turns. "It wasn't easy but I got the phantom for you. She runs like she was made yesterday"

"W-Wait wheres Sarah?" John B starts stuttering over his words

"Shes not with you?" I grow more concerned

"No we got separated in the swamp, s-shes supposed to meet me here."

"Man you gotta go."

"No, I'm not leaving without her."

JJ grabs his shoulders, "Look at me man, I know you dont wanna leave her but there is no time man." JJ keeps talking but John B pays no attention. I know he's going to pull some shit to get Sarah on this boat and all I can do is pray he's not stupid enough to do it.

He climbs onto the boat but stops to look at us, "Hey i'm sorry I got us into this mess with the whole treasure hunt thing."

"We were bound to mess up at some point right?" We all laugh and JJ's words, "At least we did it together though, pogue style."

"Okay you gotta go." Kie stays motioning with her hands, "See you in two months."

"Tell Sarah I said goodbye okay?"

I nod at him and me and Pope untie the boat watching him leave. After he's out of our sight I follow JJ back to the car and notice Kie and Pope stay behind. JJ and I watch them awkwardly make up and once they hug we start clapping. Kie flips us off and we laugh but once they pull away I see them kiss.

"Oh shit." I say elbowing JJ's side but hes occupied looking behind us

"Hey guys sorry to ruin the party but uh we gotta go like now" Trying to run to the car the police swarm in too fast. Immediately our hands go up as they approach.

"He's already gone." JJ says, making shoupe yell.

"Where is he!?" Shoupe gets in JJ's face, "I see you're living up to your name." He walks over to me and quickly glances at my shirt, "I expected more from you Ms Oakes. What the hell is going on with you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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