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All day i've heard Kiara complain about having to go. Then having Sarah complain as well. I love midsummers but I would never tell them that.

It's an excuse to get dressed up and feel hot. It's my favorite time of year It reminds me of summer and I always count down the days.

I woke up this morning to Sarah slapping my face with her hand. She had to leave, we slept in wayy to late and she's coming over later to get ready with me.

She hasn't questioned me about what she saw last night but I know she eventually will.

I can't stop thinking about it. that was the best orgasm of my life. With him it felt so right too.

Rafe made me feel something i've never felt in my life. I hate myself for it. For letting my body fail me and giving into that.

He is awful to me and my friends but I just, UGH. He frustrates me so much and yet he is always on my mind.

I rub my face sitting up in bed. The time is already 1 and Sarah should be here around 3.

I drag myself out of bed and into my bathroom. I look in the mirror and see my neck omg. There is no way Sarah didn't see this. Two right under my left ear and one on my right.

Fuck you Rafe, I don't know how i'm going to cover these tonight, hell I have to walk downstairs.

I groan and start to brush my hair and make myself look decent. Walking in my room to find some clothes I start looking up what helps hickeys.

I decided to just throw on a hoodie to help cover and I keep my pjs on.

I put on my slippers and head downstairs making sure I pull my hair to the front

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I put on my slippers and head downstairs making sure I pull my hair to the front.

I see both my parents in the kitchen when I enter

"Look who's up. Haven't seen u in ages." My dad says

"Ha Ha very funny. Sarah is coming over at three to get ready for midsummers." I sit in the barstool and my mom tosses me a granola bar.

"Is your dress hung up and ready?"

I start to tear open the bar, "Yes mom."

"Okay good. I'm so excited for tonight, isn't your friend Pope working?"

"Oh yeah he is." My mouth full of food and I smile being even more excited now

"Im gonna go pick up my tux for tonight, i'll be back." My dad hugs my mom goodbye and comes over to me to do the same

"See you later." I move my hair again after his hug sorta messed it up.

Once he is gone my mom just looks at me with a knowing face


"So who gave you those?"

My face drops, "What do you mean?" I try and play it cool

Rage, Love, Lust(Rafe Cameron)Where stories live. Discover now