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mia, susannah, and laurel were best of friends. they were inseparable in college. that had changed when mia shifted to the other side of the country. she would still talk to them as much as she could. she missed the times the three of them spent in the summer house. But she could rarely find that amount of time to visit them every year.

she was so happy when she heard all of them were somehow pregnant at the same time – it was the second time for susannah, but that didn't matter. she knew that someday her daughter would meet her two best friends and their sons. what she didn't know was that it would be 10 years later at her funeral.

her husband, george, had the unlucky task of informing the two friends of her demise. of course, susannah and laurel jumped on the first flight to oregon that they found to attend the funeral. they decided to bring their 4 kids along with them. maybe they could meet regina, mia's daughter, and keep her company. both susannah and laurel had heard from george that the little girl was having a hard time. that was obvious since it had only been days since she lost her mother.

"how are you holding up?" susannah asked george.

"not that great," he replied with a small smile.

"gina will need you," laurel added.

"i know," he said, towards his daughter, who was sitting at one corner of the room. "but i'll need her more."

"what if you two came to cousins with us for the summer?" susannah said. he looked back at the two friends. "it will be a good change of pace for you. maybe it will help you both."

"i don't know how many days i can get off."

"well, at least come for a week," a stubborn susannah said. "look at how much better she is feeling right now."

george looked at his daughter once more. she had a smile on her face, talking to the youngest fisher boy. after days, he had seen her smile. mia had told him stories of the summer house. about how susannah said it was magical, and she believed in that too. maybe going there could help gina be happier than she had been in the last couple of days.

"okay," he said, turning back to the two women next standing next to him. "i'll plan everything out and let you know."

that summer had been special. so special that, on being convinced by gina, her and george moved to pennsylvania. they started to go to the summer house every year. he only went for about two weeks, but gina stayed the whole summer with the fishers and conklins. she was happy, and that's what made him happy, too.  


timeless, jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now