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gina's pov

"you look beautiful hun," susannah said, smiling as she painted my portrait. it was the last one she had to paint. i was sitting in the gazebo with her for it. i was wearing a black dress that susannah had gifted me last year. it was one of my favourite ones I owned.

"thank you, susannah," i said, smiling at her and trying to look as happy as i could after everything that happened a couple of days ago. But she could somehow always tell that something was bothering me.

"is everything okay?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

"yeah. it's just a little hot today," i smiled at her.

"don't worry. it will just be a little longer," she said. "tell me the truth. do you feel like you are missing out by not being a deb?"

the question seemed to be out of nowhere. "uh. no," i said. "you know it is not exactly my thing. i know it is mainly for socializing, but still. plus, i had the job to think about."

"i knew you would say something like that. you are quite stubborn that way," she said, smiling at me. she knew me very well. "your mother would have been so proud of you, you know."

"maybe," i said with a sad smile. i missed her a lot. "but i know how happy she would be to know i have been coming here. like she used to with you and laurel."

"oh, she would be." she nodded.

"this place feels like home to me," i said looking around. my eyes were welling up a little bit. "i always miss her less when i am here. because i can feel that she's right here with me. you and laurel are the only connection i have left to her. besides dad of course."

susannah smiled, leaving her brush. she got up and came and sat next to me, giving me a hug. "i know you are strong, but you don't always have to be." she wiped the tear from my face. "now go. melanie is probably about to reach. you must prepare for the tournament as well." i nodded and got up from my seat, going straight to my room to get changed for the volleyball tournament.


"are you ready for the tournament?" i heard jeremiah ask as he walked into the kitchen while I was getting ready for the tournament.

"as ready as i can be," i said, glancing at him once before concentrating back on filling up my bottle with water instead. i couldn't completely ignore him. one, because he stayed here. two, it was not exactly his fault. he didn't know that i was hurt.

"that's good!" i heard him say. he was about to say something else, but the doorbell rang.

"thank god," i mumbled really softly, as i rushed to the door, not looking back. i knew he hadn't heard me. at least i hoped he hadn't.

i opened the door and melanie jumped to hug me. "oh my god. i missed you!" she said.

"i am so happy you are here!" i said, as I hugged her back.

"i can see," she said with a laugh, leaving the hug.

"i have so much to tell you!" i pulled her straight to my room.

as soon as we reached my room, i told her everything that she had missed. about the almost kiss. about Jeremiah liking belly. "okay, what the actual hell! why didn't you tell me any of this before?"

"because i did not want to talk about it over a call. you know that!"

"you should have gone for the kiss you know," she said, shaking her head.

"let's not think about it," i said. "please."

we heard a knock on the door. "you two ready? we need to leave soon," susannah said, peeking into the room.

timeless, jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now