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gina's pov

i walked into the living room early next morning to see susannah sitting there, reading a book. "hey susannah," i said as i walked towards her.

"hey hun," she said, seeing me. she had a smile on her face. "how are you this morning?"

"shouldn't i be the one asking you that," i said as i sat down beside her, giving her a smile.

"you know i don't want to burden you all with everything that's going on."

"oh, i am well aware of that," i laughed softly. i looked at her. "i just -" i paused. "i am glad you are going through the cancer trial. even though i know how hard it might be for you. thank you for trying. for us."

"oh my sweet girl," she said, pulling me into a hug. "i just want to see all of you happy. that's all i ever want."

"i know," i said. "and i know it is tougher on you than you are making it look. it was for mom too. even though i didn't understand it then. i know that now."

"and i know you are like that too. you have gotten good at pretending you are okay," she said.

"i don't know what i'll do without you," i said, as i left the hug. "you have made every summer her so magical and i –"

"and i know you will help keep the magic of this place alive," she said. she had a tight smile on her face. i knew she didn't want to think about it. just like me.

we both heard the front door open and looked at each other. a moment later we saw conrad and belly enter the kitchen. we look at them and they come towards us. i could see them smiling from ear to ear and holding their hands.

"early morning walk on the breach?" susannah asked them, slightly raising her eyebrows.

"uh yeah," belly said with a smile. i could see how happy she was. and how happy conrad looked.

"you guys look really happy," i raised my eyebrows at them. belly giggled. i saw a tint of pink in her cheeks. susannah noticed it too. belly wasn't looking directly at us.

"i knew it," susannah exclaimed, smiling at them. "i knew it."

i was happy for them, but my mind went straight to jeremiah. does he know yet? will he be okay? i didn't know what to do, because in my heart, i knew he would be really hurt.

"i am going to -" belly said, leaving his hand. she gave him a smile.

"yeah," he said, looking at her as she left. i assumed she went to talk to jeremiah about what happened.

"sit down," susannah said to conrad as he walked towards the couch. "so?" she asked.

"mom, just let me change first," he said. i shook my head.

"i am going to go too," i said, getting up to leave. i smiled at the both of them before leaving the room.


jeremiah's pov

i was in bed, sitting on my phone, looking at whatever information i could get about the cancer trail when i heard a knock on my door. "come in," i said.

i looked up from my phone to see belly walk in. i smiled at her. "good morning, bells."

"hey," she said with a small smile.

"come here," i said, patting the seat lightly. she thumps on the bed, in front of me. "so, i stayed up all night doing research on the trial my mom agreed to. and, belly, i'm feeling really hopeful."

timeless, jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now