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gina's pov

the next morning, i was driving to the club house with steven. i wanted to reach there early for work and he, on the other hand, had to meet shayla for the dance rehearsals. i left earlier than usual for the shift because if i didn't leave with steven i would have to wait for jeremiah. and that's something i didn't want to deal with early that morning. i knew i would see him later in the day and i had decided to deal with that when the time comes.

"where were you last night?' steven asked, glancing at me. "belly was looking for you before she fell asleep."

"i went for a walk actually," i said, still looking outside the window.

"that late at night?" he asked, a bit surprised.

'yeah. i wanted to clear my head."

"everything okay?"

"as okay as it can be."

"tell me what happened. maybe that will make you feel better?"

"i want to deal with this one on my own stevie boy. i really don't want you to get involved in this," i said, giving him a small smile. "now, tell me how everything with you and shayla is after last night." i changed the topic.

"they are better than i could imagine. especially after everything that i did."

"you really like her, don't you?" i winked.

"yeah. i do."

"so don't screw it up again!"

"fine," he said laughing.

we reach the clubhouse. he jumped off the car went to find shayla as soon as he had parked the car. i shook my head and walked to the snack bar to get started on my shift.


steven was back at the snack bar to work after the dance rehearsal. jeremiah too, came over to the snack bar during his break. he ordered some food. steven was the one who went to get his order, which made me laugh.

"i thought you would wait for me. we could have come to the clubhouse together," he said, rising his eyebrows a bit.

"you were sleeping, jere. and i wanted to come in early today," i shrugged. i didn't want to make it sound like a very big deal.

thankfully steven came back at that same moment with the food. "that's all-breast meat with the special pesto aioli sauce, right?" jere asked him.

"i am not your personal chef," steven said, "but yes. i walked all the way to the kitchen to get it."

i took one of the fries on the plate. "hey!" jere said, acting annoyed.

i ate the fry at once before he could snatch it. "sorry not sorry," i said, as i finished the fry. i turned to see steven giving me a knowing look. "what! i was hungry!" the two of them started to laugh.

i saw gigi and dara coming towards the snack bar. i didn't know the two girls well, but they were definitely not my favourite people. i still gave them a small smile.

"steven! can we please get two slushies!?" gigi said as she walked to the counter, standing right behind jeremiah.

"yeah yeah. coming up," he said. he l

eft the counter."that was the most fun waltz rehearsal in history," gigi said to jeremiah, making me roll my eyes.

"yeah, you came just in time. belly was a disaster in heels," dara added.

"you know what?" jeremiah said. "belly's actually a good dancer."

"yeah. waltz is just dumb," i added, smiling at jeremiah. i knew how well she danced so i had to pitch in.

timeless, jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now