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gina's pov

"gi, you forgot your car keys," my best friend melanie said as i was about to walk out of the house to go to cousins for the summer. i had been waiting for this all throughout the year. it was the first time i would be driving there alone.

"thanks mel," i said as i went back and took the keys from her. "i don't know what i would do without you."

"yeah, i know. now go have fun. and don't forget to call me tonight once you are free."

"yes mother," i shouted as i walked out the door. i swear she is such a mother-hen sometimes, but i loved that about her.

i walked out and got into the car – excited to go to the beach house as like the last 7 years. ever since mom passed, dad and i would go to susannah's summerhouse in cousins. it was one of the places where i would feel the happiest – hearing stories about mom from susannah and laurel would always be fun. it was like I got to know a different side of mom after all the years.

one more reason i love to go to cousin's every summer were my four friends - the fisher and conklin kids. I loved them to pieces. they had known each other longer but they took me in in a heartbeat. steven was like the brother that I didn't know I needed. i loved to annoy all the time. belly was the sweet little sister who i could share most anything with. conrad was the oldest one of us, sometimes the responsible one among us. and then there was jeremiah. he was one of the few people who could bring a smile to my face without much effort – and i really loved that about him. mel was the only one who knew how i felt about him.

i didn't realize how the 3 hours went by – jamming to songs throughout the drive. i finally could see the driveway of the beach house right in front of me. as i parked the car, i saw the three fisher's were there in front of the house. i jumped off and rushed towards them.

"look who is finally here!" jeremiah said as he hugged me.

"hi jere," i said with a smile on my face. my checked had turned pink too, so i left the hug before he could realise i was blushing. after leaving the hug i on to hug conrad and susannah before we walked inside.

"when are the others reaching?" i asked, and the next second i heard honking from the driveway. i might just have the greatest timing.

"speak of the devil, and the devil is here," jeremiah said jokingly, making me laugh as the two of us rushed outside to greet the others.

"stevie boy!" i said as i rushed to hug the conklin boy.

"miss regina goerge," he said making me laugh.

as i left the hug i saw belly step out of the car. she did not have her glasses and braces anymore. i knew how badly she wanted to get those off. "Look who came all grown up!" jeremiah said as he lifted her into the air. i decided to ignore the twisted feeling in my stomach. at least for the time being.

"put me down, jeremiah!" she said.

he finally let her down and left her side and goes to talk to steven. i started to walk towards her when i see belly's eyes fall on conrad, who was just coming out of the house to greet them. i rolled my eyes a bit, as they have their conversation, at how oblivious these two are about their feeling.

"bells!" I said as i pulled her into a quick hug as i reached next to her.

"i think you know what time it is," steven said as he walked towards us, jeremiah following him. "it's time for a –"

"belly flop!" the other boys joined in and shouted. at the same time belly started to run away from them and I joined the boys as they started to run after her.

timeless, jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now