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gina's pov

i could hear steven sing out aloud while i was getting ready for the bonfire in my room. it was the first bonfire of the summer. they were usually quite fun to go to. the boys would probably not want me there, but they knew if i wanted to be there they couldn't stop me at all.

i heard my phone ring. i saw melanie's name pop up. i knew she would call. it was usual for her to call on the first night.

"hey, mel," i said, as i picked up the call.

"thank god you didn't forget about me," she said in a very dramatic voice.

"you are such a drama queen!" i rolled my eyes.

"and you love that!," she said, laughing. "now tell me how everything is going! are you finally going to have the courage to tell you know who abput how you feel?"

"will you shut up!?" i said, laughing and blushing at the same time.

"it shows on your face how much you like him."

"the possibility of him liking me seems less that usual somehow," i said with a small smile.

"you won't know of you don't ask" i rolled eyes but she continued, "anyways, what are you wearing for the bonfire tonight?"

"i was thinking of shorts and a floral crop top. something simple."

"that sounds like you. bore!"

"shut up!"

"okay okay, now go have fun! i'll need all the updates tomorrow!"

"thanks," i said, as i cut the call and continue to get ready for the party.

once i was ready, maybe 10 mins later, i went to the bathroom door and knocked. i knew the two boys were still there. "open up you goofs! it's almost time to go."

"in a sec gi!" i heard both of them shout. i rolled my eyes a little.

jeremiah opened the door and was standing right in front of me. i could stop myself from smiling on seeing that she was also wearing something like me. esp at it's best? maybe. i was zoned out for a couple of seconds and only when i heard steven cough did i snap out of it.

"same pinch gi," jeremiah said with a small smile. "we both are wearing floral for the bonfire."

"yeah," i smiled, a slight blush creeping up my check.

"okay, now let's get conrad and go!" steven said, starting to walk towards the pool with me and jeremiah following right behind him.

i saw belly in the pool, probably for a night swim, talking to conrad about something. i saw jeremiah just shake his head for a second at the sight of them and then continued to move forward, not thinking that anyone saw that reaction. i didn't know why he reacted like that, but i didn't want to lose sleep over it.

"first bonfire of the summer!" steven said aloud as we reached the two of them.

i saw conrad was smoking a joint. i took it from his hand, shocking him and the other a bit. "gi, what the -" conrad said before i took a puff and then started to cough.

"i honestly don't know how you smoke these things. this is fucking horrible," i said as i threw it away. i saw jeremiah laugh a little.

"we're leaving. you ready, conrad?" steven asked and he just nodded.

"can i come too?" belly blurts out.

"no," steven said with a bit of a laugh.

"the moms are getting everything set up for your movie night bells," jeremiah said. i could tell he wanted to include her, and wanted her to come to the party.

timeless, jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now