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gina's pov

belly, cam, taylor, james and i entered the party after getting ready. the others had reached about ten minutes or so before us. as soon as we entered, i saw jeremiah at a corner, flirting with this guy. why did my eye have to fall on that? and why did it hurt more than it ever did before.

"i am going to go get a drink," i said to james, belly and taylor, smiling at them.

"i am coming with you," he said, following me.

"belly! you came," i heard nicole say as james and i were walking to the drinks table.

"in didn't know you drink?" he asked, rising his eyebrows.

"i usually don't. i just need one right now."

"okay, but i don't want you to get drunk," he said.

"i won't," i said. "trust me."

"ughh. nicole's seems like a bitch," i heard taylor say softly as she came and stood next to me with a drink in her hand.

"i know what you mean," i said, laughing a bit. but my concentration wasn't on what she was saying anymore. right behind taylor, i could see jeremiah kiss the guy he was flirting with. my face immediately dropped. "i need some fresh air. i'll see you guys in a bit," i said as i walked out to the porch with the drink in my hand. i did feel bad for not mingling, but i knew that i couldn't do that if i was not feeling the best.

after a while i could hear summer nights playing on the karaoke. i knew that one of the people singing was jeremiah, immediately recognising his voice. i shook my head and decided to slowly walk back in. i had enough on clearing my mind.

jeremiah saw me enter and immediately pulled me to join in the song, and i did. it was fun singing with him and cam. the song ended maybe a bit too quickly for my liking. jeremiah was gone from there immediately though. of course, he was gone.

"hey, have you seen belly?" cam asked me. "she was right here."

"she might be looking for taylor," i said, smiling at him. he nodded and walk towards the ping pong table.

"gi! it's good i found you," steven said as he rushed towards me.

"i was actually going to come looking for you. i wanted to –," i said. "wait, did something happen?"

"i kinda did something fucked up," he whispered. "i kissed taylor."

"you what!?" i screamed.

"shh!! it didn't mean anything ,okay? i was feeling insecure and –" he said. "you wanted to go back home? i am coming with you."

"um. no," i said, sternly. "you are your to talk to taylor first! clear all this out, and then talk to shayla as soon as you can."

"gi –"

"nope. no excuses. i won't hear them."

"fine," he said. turned to look at jeremiah, who was playing beer pong. "hey jere! can you drop gi back home!" he turned back towards me and winked. i glared at him.

"yeah sure," jeremiah said as he came towards us.

"you are drunk. just give me the keys," i said.

"no. i am not letting you go back alone," he said, shocking me a little. maybe he did care. at least right now.

"fine. fine. but i am driving us," i said, pretending to be a bit annoyed. i was happy though. i turned to steven. "see you later."


the drive home was silent. not awkward, but silent. i was a bit exhausted, and i could see that jeremiah was too. we eventually reached the driveway. i was about to get out of the car when jeremiah stopped me. i turned towards him, coming a bit closer.

"hey, are you okay?" he asked, breaking the silence. the question stumped me. just a little bit.

"i.. yeah i am. why wouldn't i be?"

"i just feel like you just have gotten distant from me lately."

"i haven't. i promise," i said. maybe it wasn't completely true. in the last couple of days, i did try and be distant, so that i didn't get hurt. but i think i had failed. and i didn't know he noticed. "thank you for coming back with me. i know you wanted to stay there," i said, smiling at him. i had to change the topic.

"you don't need to thank me for that," he said, cupping my cheeks and looking straight into my eyes. "i am always going to be right next to you."

i just smiled at him. "me too."

i saw his gaze fall on my lips. i let my eyes falls on his lips too. he was starting to lean in, but i immediately turned away – leaving him in a bit of a shock. i couldn't do this. not like this. not right now. even if i wanted to. i could feel the situation get awkward.

"jere," i said quietly, breaking the silence. "not like this. not when you might not remember it in the morning. or you might even regret it."

"will you?" he asked, and i looked at him asking him what exactly he meant. "will you regret it?"

"yes." lies. absolute bullshit. i had to lie. i couldn't let him know.

"then we won't do anything like that," he said with a small smile.

he walked out of the car, into the house. i took a deep breath and followed suit. i went straight to my room. i didn't know what to think. he was about to kiss me. would he have meant it? or am i just getting my hopes up?


the next morning wasn't the best. i knew taylor was leaving in a couple of hours. and i was helping her pack. her and belly were still not speaking. she stayed in my room last night.

"so i guess you and bells haven't made up?" i asked her," helping her pack.

"nope. she hasn't talked to me since last night."

"i am sure you guys will be okay. she is your best friend, and you are hers."

"it doesn't seem like it at the moment. she cares more about the deb girls"

"i know you both, taytay. she will always need you in her life," i hugged the girl. "just give it some time, okay?"


"now come on. let's go downstairs. i am honestly craving a muffin," i said, making taylor laugh.

we walked downstairs to the kitchen. i opened the fridge to look for some muffins, but they were gone. "no muffin," i told taylor with a sad smile.

"fresh batch of muffins is reaching the counter," i heard jeremiah say. i turned to see him walking in with muffins. i smiled.

"what timing," i said, snatching the box from his hands. "i didn't know you went for a muffin run."

"yeah," he said, laughing a little. "belly wanted to go for one."

"don't forget to save one for me please!" taylor said.

"here you go," i gave her the box after taking one from the box.

i walked out of the kitchen, but jeremiah followed me.

"hey," he said, holding my hand to stop me. i looked back at him. "are we good? i just hope last night didn't make anything awkward."

"yeah," i said with as much of a genuine smile i could give him at the moment. "we're good. always."


timeless, jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now