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gina's pov

time seemed to fly by this summer, and like every year it was belly's birthday. i was helping laurel cook the mickey mouse pancakes in the kitchen for her, while all of us waited for the birthday girl to wake up and come down to the kitchen.

"how's it going over there?" she asked me.

"it's almost done," i said.

"morning, everyone," belly said as she entered the kitchen with a smile on he

"happy birthday," all of us shouted as we saw her.

"there's the birthday girl," susannah said, giving her a hug. "looking like a vision in floral."

"happy sweet 16, bells," jeremiah said, hugging her next.

"happy birthday bells," i said, running to give her a tight hug.

"now belly button's getting old finally," steven said from the other side of the counter.

"thanks, everyone."

"happy birthday, sweetheart," laurel said, giving her a hug.

"thanks, mom."

"your mickey mouse pancakes are ready," laurel said with a smile.

"actually, i am not that hungry," she said, which kind of surprised me. i could see a small disappointed look on laurel's face as well.

"shall we open gifts?" susannah said, trying to change the subject a bit.

"you are definitely going to love mine," i said to the birthday girl with a smile. i put my arm around her shoulder as we walked towards the couch.

we all gathered in the living room to give belly our gifts one by one. laurel was the first go. she gave her the first edition book of poems. she had book marked one of susannah's favourite poems in it as well. susannah went next, giving her a pearl necklace.

"oh, wow," belly said as she showed it to me. "they're gorgeous. thank you, susannah."

"my mom gave me these pearls for my sweet 16 along with the earing i had given gina last year," susannah said. i smiled at her.

"these will definitely look good on you," i said to belly, smiling at her.

"oh, i'm next," jeremiah said, giving her his gift. he had gotten her a good-luck charm.

"now open mine!" i said pushing my gift towards her. she opened the wrapping to see the phone cover i had got her.

she had a smile on her face. "i love it! thank you gi!"

"think fast, belly," steven said as he threw his gift to her. it was a princeton t-shirt.

"you actually spent money on me," she said laughing at her brother, making me laugh too.

"relax, i just didn't want you stealing mine when i get in next year."

"i didn't know you were still considering it?" laurel asked.

"i think i'll apply for some scholarships and see if i get in," he said, shrugging.

"conrad, do you want to give belly your present?" susannah asked, changing the topic.

"sorry i forgot," he said, not looking at anyone.

"um... that's cool. i wasn't really expecting anything anyway. so..." belly said. i could hear the disappointment in her voice.

"i gotta go," conrad said, getting up. "i have to show clevland some knots today... happy birthday belly."

as he walked out, the mood in the room seemed gloomy. i immediately got up and followed conrad outside.

timeless, jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now