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"it was like an age-old classic,
the first time that you saw me"
– timeless by taylor swift

gina has been going to cousins for 7 years. it had become her home. she looked forward to summer every year so that she could spend time there with her best friends. she would always go with her dad, but this year was already different – she was driving there alone. what else could have changed this year?

jeremiah fisher was her best friend. he had been since the day she met him. they were both ten, and she has loved him since then. she was scared to change things between them.  maybe he would finally see that. that's all she could hope for. maybe that's what is different this year?

author's note 

ahh! i'm so excited to start writing and publishing this story! i have a lot of it planned out and will try and write it as fast as i can, especially now that season 2 is also almost over. i have decided that i'll keep the story only till season two. maybe add somethings after that to give it more of a closing arc. i don't want to want till the next season comes to continue. 

i really hope you like the story <3

timeless, jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now