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gina's pov

"come on, gi!" mel said as we walked on the deck. taylor and belly were walking in front of us having their own conversation. "you know he cares about you!"

"i know. but it is not the same thing though, is it?" i said sadly.

"you need to tell him! otherwise, you'll never know!"

"i can't," i said, shaking me head. "he likes belly. he told me that and i need to move on. i can't just stay mop all the time! it's like, even if i see someone great, i somehow am not able to allow myself to fall for them."

"first loves are hard to let go of gi," she said with a smile.

"hey guys," i heard nicole say, interrupting the conversation. we stood behind belly and taylor, looking at the yacht that nicole owned. it was huge!

"oh my god!" all four of us say at the same time. looking at each other.


"put a finger down if you have ever made out with two people within 24 hours of each other," malanie asked. nicole and gigi put their fingers down, all of us were laughing. we were all sitting in the yacht that night, and it had been a good night so far. somehow.

"put a finger down if you have ever used a stuffed animal to... you know," dara said. a few people including taylor and melanie put their finger down.

"his name was harry bear styles," taylor said, laughing. all of us did too.

"you had a name for yours?" gigi asked.

"i mean it is funny," i said. melanie nodded, still laughing.

"okay, put a finger down if you've ever had sex," dara said. the others besides belly and i lowered their fingers. i could feel them judging us a bit, but specifically belly. "if you've ever been to third?" it was still a no. i tightened my smile, looking over at belly. "put a finger down if you've ever gone to second." i put one of the fingers down, but i don't think anyone notice. it wasn't that important anyways. everyone was looking at belly.

"put a finger down if you've ever made out with jeremiah fisher," taylor asked, trying to change the topic completely. belly put her finger down. everyone was laughing, more out of shock. i would have put a finger down, but i didn't think a kiss for truth and dare didn't count.

"shut the fuck up!" dara said.

"wait," nicole said. "belly, we want all the tea."

"um, sorry, gigi," she said with a small smile.

"no, it's fine," the girl replied.

"um, i mean, there's not much to tell," belly added. "he's, like, my best friend." This shocked me a bit because i thought they would have talked about it everything. i shook my head.

"and when did it start?" gigi asked.

"um, about a week ago. we kissed in the pool at our house," she replied. i could see she had a wide smile on her face, making me smile too. i was happy for them.

"i always had this weird feeling there was something going on between you and conrad," nicole said. "but i guess i just had the wrong brother."

"and i thought that something was going on between gina and jeremiah," gigi said. i chuckled a little. "i guess i had it wrong too."

i could see belly and taylor look at me all confused. "he's my best friend," i said with a small smile. "and that's what it has always been."

"yeah, whatever," taylor said, changing the topic again. "enough about jeremiah. put a finger down if you've ever been skinny-dipping." some of the girls do.

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